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unpk armor replacer (WIP)


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Hello everyone- I know not a whole lot of people use the unpk body, but I just thought I'd post some armor replacers I'm working on for the unpk body, in case anybody is interested. It's a mix between Crosscrusade's and Mak07's armor mod, plus some of my own personal modifications. Right now I'm focused on the vanilla armors, but if there's a really popular armor mod elsewhere that you think people would like to see converted to unpk I'd like to know, since I don't follow armor mods outside of vanilla replacers very closely. Here's some preview pictures of some of the armor's I've converted, obvious I tend to prefer rather skimpy armors. Why would I spend so much time modelling a nice body to cover it up in armor? :P


I'm swamped with work right now, but I think I'll probably finish converting the vanilla armors sometime in October. Don't know if I'll do Dawnguard or Dragonborn armors yet. 





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  • 2 months later...

Hey gooboo,

I just got in deep doo-doo over at N#*%s, just trying to drum up some interest in your mods...I had no idea you couldn't mention SexLab in N@#%s forums! Then I had to defend my good honor against some rigidly opinionated person (which I also got warned for.) I have an issue with all of the NPC's that don't have the full-scale body type (more than a handful). As soon as the clothes come off, everything between the head, hands and feet is a jumbled mess. Your armor mod helps if I use the SexLab menu and don't check the armor set for removal on all sex scenes, but that also means that none of the plain clothes come off either.

I proposed a mod suggestion on N#$*s (which I will NEVER, EVER do again) to encourage you, my dear gooboo, to make a conversion for all female NPC's to the PC chosen body type, IE- an inadvertent workaround to combat whatever is causing the problem. I am unsure if all the NPC's would look appropriate sans-clothing if I had chosen the base UNPK conversion, but I opted for the largest version because the breasts were more realistically shaped in accordance with the hip size. There is a slight texture issue on the lower halves of the breasts, however...as they sometimes appear a different shade and the pixels look smeared. The side-boob and rear shot also seemed a bit overshadowed.

I ask myself when I look at my wonderfully shaped maiden, "Why can't all the girls have these great curves?" I'd stand on a soap box and shout praise for your mods, but the villagers are packing some very rotten vegetables. I hope I don't get burned by Lover's Lab for mentioning N@#*s! Good grief!!! Please respond. I've gotten in hot water just trying to get your attention. I'm new at this...I had no idea there was so much B.S. to put up with!

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If the meshes are exploding like that, then that means  your femalebody_0 and femalebody_1 meshes aren't "compatible" with one another. You must have installed something incorrectly because they aren't supposed to do that.


Which unpk meshes are you using? The optional large/skinny unpk meshes I created don't have tbbp weighting on them currently, so you can't use them with the tbbp weighted standard meshes. I will add weights to them in the future, but if you want tbbp compatible meshes you can only use the tbbp file I've uploaded so far. 


For future reference, if you want to contact me just send me a pm on the Nexus, or here if you've been banned. 

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PM means private message.


If you want to use any of the unpk female_1 bodies, then you also have to download and install one of female_0 bodies. Without going into too much technical detail, the way the game works is that there's a mesh for the max weight and min weight, and any character that has a weight in between uses a "mix" between those two meshes. Consequently, both the female_0 and female_1 meshes have to have the exact same amount of vertices/polygons, and exact same weights, otherwise the mesh "explodes" when it tries to mix the two. My unpk body has different vertices and polygons than any of the other UNP bodies, so that they are not compatible together for the nude body mesh. You can't use a female_0 unpb and a female_1 unpk together. None of this should prevent you from using earlier characters however, as this does not corrupt your savegame files. 


Furthermore, at least right now, if you want to use the optional larger body for unpk you need to download and install the standard unpk meshes WITHOUT tbbp, otherwise your meshes will explode. Download and install these first, and then download and install the optional larger body. Hope this helps. 

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I have managed to change NPC heads with the CK by swapping them with other NPCs or generate just a generic bald version of my modded orc female face (with major neck seam and body color difference included), but changing the weight of an NPC from 20.0000 to 100.0000 (Aela, for example) has no effect. Maybe this is because of the missing main UNPK file.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Another update. Added ebonymail, draugr, wolf, blades, and nordic carved armor. This will probably be the last update for awhile, since I don't really see/use the other armor sets that much, unless someone really wants a particular armor set converted. 



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