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Ballsing up skyrim before even beggining


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It's typical isn't it? Im there at first light to wait outside the game store. I've got a big cup of coffee in my hands and I'm waiting eagerly for my 5th edler scrolls game. The staff member is a good friend of mine so he lets me in early to avoid the morning frost.


I get the text of my life:


"Sir, your computer upgrades have finished, please collect"


Fantastic! Looks like I'll be buying this and playing sooner than I thought. Get a mate to grab the PC, and I run home with the latest installment of one of the best (the best?) RPGs ever made.




The PC upgrades decided that they didn't want to work. The PC resets whenever it gets to the Windows loading screen. And coupled with the fact that re-installing the OS doesn't find the hard drive (despite it showing up in BIOS) means that there is a problem. So, it gets sent back.


Today I got it back. My well thumbed over map of Skyrim is on the wall and I plug the machine back in. AND IT WORKS! I have to re-install the OS and do everything from scratch. Meh. Worth it. I get my Anti-Virus back up, install the drivers for my graphics card and download the latest Firefox.


Whaddaya know!


The PC pissing crashes on me. Restarts. Crashes again, displaying a message that the "Host process for Windows servers has failed". Great. Now, it shuts it self down and boots back up. Only to show the symptoms that I had after the upgrade the first time.




How is skyrim? Cause I can't bloody play it thanks to this. Hell, I cant even play Oblivion. Im using my parents PC, it saddens me.

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Skyrim, for an Elder Scrolls fan, is awesome in setting. The updated engine has a lot of nice tweaks that make things either less painful to use, or make things require more thinking (also, making me die pretty often as I charge into things as I did in Oblivion). Some fights require tactics, and since not everything will level with you, some fights are simply impossible when low level. I myself was thrown over a mountain by a giant when I tried to kill it at level 5 :)


But, the user interface is made for console use only. Inventory management and storing and retrieving things from containers or buying/selling things is unbelievably bad. Not only can you not ever be sure what your focus is on really, the inventory screens seem to have a habit of closing randomly while you attempt to pick a category of items. Reading a book breaks selecting other items, forcing you to close and re-open inventory (not always, though).


This will eventually be fixed by an ui mod, but there's still no visible indicator of even a rough estimate of time of day, you still need to check it via the wait menu. There's no specific "character screen", so finding some information can sometimes be a bit of an excercise in patience. Zooming inside the skill list to get to a perk might randomly throw you to the tree for another skill.


On a bright side, aside from quickkeys breaking, the favorite skill/item list is actually very useful.

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