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Vor 11 Minuten sagte Nightdragon72:

Sexuallaborhormone haben den Geschlechtsänderungsfluch und auch den Bimbo-Fluch 

English again...
.."sex" and "gender"

are two things for me - if someone is looking for a change of "sex" that means for me in German:
first "hetero" - after change "homo" or "bisexual"

with "gender" it gets even more complicated...
..because gender is often evaluated on the basis of EXTERNAL sexual organs - here are some examples:
Woman with breasts and vagina -> normal female woman
Woman with breasts, vagina and penis -> intersexual human (Hermophrodite) or female "Futa"
Woman with breasts and penis without a vagina -> Woman with a transgender background before (or without) gender reassignment surgery

all of which can easily be done with a basic female face and body
one changes
Woman with breasts and vagina -> in Man with penis without breasts and vagina
it gets complicated - because the dual mechanism of the race menu "strikes" here

SL hormones are also available via the race menu - in other words, you have to look for a male face for the female face!

in real life the diversity of female and male faces overlap - but in games like Skyrim or Fallout you only have the 5% of the "typical" (because "most beautiful") male or female to choose from
is just like in the catalog of a model agency


deutsches Orginal:


mal wieder die Englische Sprache...
.."sex" und "gender"

sind für mich zweierlei Dinge - wenn jemand nach Änderung des "sex" sucht heisst das für mich in Deutsch:
zuerst "Hetero" - nach Änderung "Homo" oder "Bi-Sexuell"

bei "gender" wird es noch komplizierter...
..da häufig das Geschlecht an Hand ÄUSSERER Sexual-Organe bewertet wird - mal Beispiele:
Frau mit Busen und Vagina -> normale weibliche Frau
Frau mit Busen, Vagina und Penis -> intersexueller Mensch (Hermophrodite) bzw. weiblicher "Futa"
Frau mit Busen und Penis ohne Vagina -> Frau mit transsexuellem Hintergrund vor (oder ohne) Geschlechts-Angleichende Operation

all das kann man locker mit einem weiblichem Gesicht und weiblichem Basis-Körper machen
ändert man
Frau mit Busen und Vagina -> in Mann mit Penis ohne Busen und Vagina
wird es kompliziert - da hier der duale Mechanismus des race-menü "zuschlägt"

über das race-menü führt auch SL-Hormone - sprich man muss sich dann für das weibliche Gesicht ein männliches suchen!

im realen Leben überlappen sich die Vielfalt von weiblichen mit den männlichen Gesichtern - in Spielen wie Skyrim oder Fallout hat man aber nur die 5% der "typisch" (weil "schönsten") weiblichen oder männlichen zur Auswahl
ist halt wie im Katalog einer Modell-Agentur



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YPS fashion has unfinished gender swap quest, no clue how well it operates, but just looking at the dialogue options in tes5edit its definitely the most in-depth sex swap mod out there, with some forks in the road it too it seems. The dialogue seems to implicate its gradual but tbh it probably is more instant, but I think you are locked in some sort of restraints that I assume hide parts of your body and being told of the slow changes while your character is already technically female, this is my assumption. This is probably as good as it gets for now sadly. There was a mod somewhere where your character can turn to different sex during different day stages but I couldn't find it last time I search for it again, and thats not exactly what you wanted. Check the YPS fashion's page for info on how to start the quest... also that mod in general is just nice to have, you can always turn off parts you don't like (I do that for bodyhair stuff). I will say if YPS fashion quest isn't super buggy then its pretty hot just reading the dialogue options.

Edited by Karkhel
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