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Full Burster mod by Elysees not working right.

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The mod from here doesn't seem to work right for me. I've been trying for a couple days to find anyone else with the problem, but it doesn't seem like anyone is having problems with it.


My problem is, that when I press Z to use the power, then activate the circle with E, it makes all the sound effects and everything, but nothing ever fires. There's no visual effects aside from a bunch of circles spawning. there's no beam, or anything. It also doesn't do any damage at all. It acts like it's hitting people, but it doesn't actually do anything, and it doesn't aggro them.

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Never actually saw that mod before; anyway, I guess either you installed it wrong, missed a requirement or your loadorder might be messed up.


I'm pretty sure it's installed correctly. I've tried reinstalling it several times.

I've tried it first and last in load order.


The only requirement listed is that you need the latest patch, which I do have.

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