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Problem with texture/color on the DF_T19 boots


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Hello !


I have the DF_T19 boots but one are more brighter than the other. (See the screnshot)

I really don't understand why. I tried to reinstall the mod from the 3DM but no changes.

Even with retexture...




What I have to do to fix that ?


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The only thing I can think of that might be causing this is that they're missing tangent spaces, which might be messing with light reflection. You can try to fix this by opening them in NifSkope and changing the "BS Num UV Sets" in NiTriShapeData to 4097 and then going to Spells -> Batch -> Update All Tangent Spaces.


Or you could just try out the re-texture that's available for them and see if it helps, this variant also has the fixed tangent vectors: https://mega.co.nz/#!65AC1CpQ!E8dx-HIy2mUFg1D-2YSCuDfYtntaqLEOav63Z83kq8Q

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Thanks but still don't work.


I also reinstall Skyrim with no modifications and a save from Nexus, but the issue is still here.
Don't understand...



Aynone have a functional DF_T19 that I can try ?

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Here my version that I modified according to GrimReaperCalls's instructions.
I also change the textures path (from the retextured version) with Nifskope, because there were conflicts with other mod.


I got the first download from 3DM link.


Both do not work.

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Oh if someone can fix, I will be grateful.
However, why it do not works with me and other people have no troubles ? Kinda weird.


But the boots worked fine with me before !

I just did recently a clean install of Skyrim and put some mods (included all DF_T I have) from a backup.

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