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[HELP] I dont understand what TBBP is.


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TBBP means Tender BBP. It's like... a mesh.. that let your breast and butt bounce.


This thread have some detailed explanations:



It's not a body shape like UNP / CBBE.


If you use CBBE follow up this guide: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/11641-cbbecbtbbp-knowledge-database/ (I'm sure there are more threads about it for CBBE)

If you use UNPB there's an option to install it with the mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37900//? (TBBP still in progress, but you won't crash using TBBP armors)

Not sure for UNP only, but just do some searches around.


Hope this can answer your question.

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