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CTD on certain armors

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Hi guys, I don't know where else to go, I hope I can get some advise here.


My goal is to get a moded body with BBP on a custom race, but not on the NPCs. I use Ningheim race with UNP(B) and PC exclusive Animation Pack (from xp32). After a lot of trial and error, I got it to work on nude body (no armors) and on a few armors, like the Demon Hunter and Neovinci's Oriental Dresses, but on other armors, like Wjunlady or Aradia outfit, the game crashes.

I also use FNIS and Realistic Ragdolls, and I take the BBP files from the UNPB Redux mod.


My computer is a laptop, Aspire 5750G, 4GB ram, 1GB vram.


I tried to use various skeletons, put them in Ningheim folder or default folder, sometimes I get a twisted BBP where the right side boob is flat, I'm out of options (well, unless I uninstall the mods and be done with it :P).

But before I quit, my question is this: What in the world causes the game to crash only on certain armors? Is it the skeleton? animation files? even textures?


I have to mention I haven't installed UNPB body mod, as I don't want to upgrade all the grannies in the game to sex symbol status.

Thank you in advance!

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You're looking for a skeleton/armor missing node conflict I think. When you installed the skeletons and meshes, did you do a standard install with everything in vanilla, then also add the skeleton to your Ningheim mesh folders? No FNIS errors? Aside from the "warning 1 unmatched animation." With PCEA the NPCs won't have the animations, unless you put them in the PCEA folder...  


there's stuff like the 1stpersonskeleton.nif  that sits in a vanilla folder that you need to have as well is why I ask.

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Well, of the relevant addons, I have Realistic Ragdolls and Force (as a req. for some FNIS things), then FNIS, then Ningheim race and then the PCEA, all 4 of them have the skeleton and I've overwritten every time... I think it's the same in each pack. Then I took the BBP files from the animation folder in UNPB addon and put them in Ningheim folder (also in default animation folder, just to be sure :P ). When my char is naked, all works fine, some armors work as well, but others...eeek!!

I haven't tinkered with firs person skeleton at all, it didn't occur to me it might affect things there. I will try that, thanks for the tip !

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