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No error, but no choices

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I installed the files into the mods folder, tried renaming the mods folder with a ! to start, tried with the files in no folder, and I get no options.

I can click on the Wicked option on different objects, but in that section I only get a settings option (which everything seems to be in there), but no other choices.  I tried it with all of the animations in the mods folder, as well as taking everything but the WW files in the mods folder, and nothing seems to change, I just get the settings option.

I know it has to be something simple that I am missing, but I've been over all the FAQ section a few times now, and it all seems to be correct.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I'm having a similar issue, though not as bad. My sims in a household can no longer click on the floor and have sex animations for themselves or other household members. But if a guest is over that they have a relationship with, they can initiate floor-based animations with the guest. ?



Edited by raven1979
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