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How to delete ALL animations in Wicked Whims (WW)?

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I tried downloading a bunch of animations to try them out, and now I want to delete the animations I previously downloaded and keep the WW mod to vanilla. I deleted the animation files in the Mod folder, but when I load up my game, there are still some animations left. I tried reinstalling the game and also deleting the Sims 4 folder in the /documents folder, but the remaining animations are still in my game. Does anyone know how to permanently remove the remaining animations?

I've attached a photo of what I get in the notifications in game.


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Some animations are included with WW, if you have removed all the animation packages you downloaded then that is all the ones you can remove.

I suggest using a folder in your mods folder specifically for animation packages and then you can easily find them in the future.


Edit: you can see the authors of any animations being loaded, I am pretty sure those are all ones that have been included in WW but you can always verify by comparing that with your mods and see if you have any packages from those authors, they are usually clearly named with the author name and the word animations so it's easy to tell what package it is.

Edited by Simite
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Hi! I did download the said animation packages previously, and now I've deleted all the package files. So the only mod I have installed is the wicked whims mod (TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Scripts.ts4script and TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning.package). Even if I don't have any other packages in the Mods folder, the animations are still appearing in my game. I tried downloading and deleting the animation packages as well, but it still does not work. They are still appearing in my game.

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