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Custom bed dirty state texture overlay only appears when bed has 1 swatch

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Hi everyone! This is my first post and it's a request for help with a very weird and specific problem that has thus far defied all my attempts to fix or understand. I'm making a mod that makes beds have dirty and clean states similar to counters and sinks. When they are dirty they have different interactions and give different buffs that are not present in the game normally and, most relevantly to this post, have a visible dirty overlay texture.


The new states and buffs and interactions and stuff were working as expected. Apparently that was the easy part. I followed this tutorial to create a one swatch test bed to ensure that the dirt overlay would work. It did. I was happy. I made a new bed, this time adding the dirty state model overlays to all 15 swatches in the exact same manner, which was very tedious and my brain felt mushy at the end. I tested the bed. The bed successfully changed states and the interactions and buffs were fine, but the overlay did not appear on any of the 15 beds on the empty lot, even as my poor test sim despaired at the filthy state of his "home."


After looking over the files and finding nothing, I became annoyed and duplicated the not-working bed. I opened up the duplicate bed and deleted all the swatches except for one. The one swatch bed, with no other changes besides the swatch deletion, worked perfectly.


After more testing and messing around I have discovered the following:

1. This phenomena occurs with both double and single beds

2. If there are 2 or more swatches on the bed, the overlay will not appear on any of them.

3. It does not matter which swatch is the one remaining swatch. It will work fine as long as it is the only swatch on the object.

4. This phenomena occurs with both object overrides and object standalone recolors of the beds.

5. Counters with multiple swatches work normally and the dirt overlay is visible with all swatches.

6. The issue persists in multiple save files.


I'm out of ideas. Google has failed to provide me with any posts about similar issues. I don't really want to create separate objects for each color of each bed because the build mode bed category would become a nightmare. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.


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