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I've tried turning it on in the master configs and the bounce configs. I've tried different combinations and no matter what I do it refuses to work for me. 


I find this odd, because it was working for me a week ago. I don't know why it's not working now, unless I'm just doing something wrong... I've been having to open and close the game every time I adjust physics and collisions to see the results. Having tuning would be really nice instead of constantly reopening the game.


(I remember turning it on and things started to bounce periodically as set in the configs. It doesn't do that any more so I assume it doesn't work, since no changes I make in the files are applied in the game until I close and reopen it)

Edited by Connector196
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I don't know, I have not had this happen before.  But here's a couple of ideas if you are still struggling with this:


1)  did you install SMP or any other physics mod?  If so, maybe it is overwriting something or they were installed with incompatible selections when using the FOMOD installer. 


2)  in your mod manager, check if anything is overwriting CBPC.  Very few things should.  For example, I have CBBE 3BA and SINful CBP overwriting it and nothing else. 


3) You may try to use SINful CBP in game and see if that fixes anything.


4) you may need to reinstall it.  As I said, I've not had this happen so I don't know the cause.  Reinstalling the mod is a shot in the dark in case that works.


No idea if any of this will work.  Maybe someone else has a better idea. 

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  • 5 months later...
5 hours ago, traison said:

Personally I wouldn't use tuning mode anymore. Use the console command "cbpc reload" instead.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work either.  I mean, the log says its reloading, but nothing changes in game.  I still have to quit and restart.


I do see there is a new "pause" and "start" command as well.  Going to try those to see if they work.

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