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Mod manager and other starting questions

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After playing and modding new vegas and oblivion for a long time I decided to get Skyrim legendary Edition.

I've read a lot in this formum but some questions remain:


1. What is a good Mod Manager for Skyrim?

In New Vegas I used Fallout mod Manager. In Oblivion I used Wrye Bash and Oblivion Mod Manager.

I read about Wrye Smash? and NMM but both seemed to have Issues. Which is preferable and works best with boss?


2. BodyMods/ Skeleton and armor compatibility

In Oblivion and NV you could basically use every armor if the right skeleton was installed. Sure some armors had clipping issues but most armors were usebal without problems. Is there a skelton in Skyrim or workarounds? In addition I've read that you need a special skeleton for creating a better face, ECE.



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