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a mod that uses a quick hacks in game to make NPCs do things, for example seducing a nearer by enemy (or if there is no enemy NPC a normal NPC) NPC to distract them for use in stealth. these quick hacks could do different things the higher level they are for instate level 1 could be just talking to the NPC getting them to look the other way and the hacked NPC not seeing you at all. and the best one could be the hacked NPC getting naked and dancing making a big crowed that can barely see you. this one could also get the cops called on the NPCs who we then ether get arrested or start a gun fight. this mod could added gender preference to NPCs information tab, so they will react differently so if a male NPCs with female preference got approached by a female they could get along, but if the NPCs had a male preference he may get grossed out and run away, or if his preference is strong he could call the cops or start a gun fight. 

there could be other quick hacks like a bondage one where the hacked NPC puts on different levels of bondage equipment depending on the level of the quick hack so level one could be putting on a gag so the NPCs can't communicate with with other NPCs where any enemies are. level 2 could be the hacked NPC puts on both a gag and blind fold so the NPC can only hear and touch. and the best one could be putting everything on, so a gag, blind fold, armbinder (so the NPC can't use there guns or hands, and will drop there gun) and leg shackles ( making the movement very slow).

other quick hacks could be changing something about the NPCs statics, so changing there gender preference or how strong it is.


I can't mod games so I would not be able help much on the technical side, however I am good at the art side, so software's like maya, blender, photoshop. I'd love to help as this could be a fun mod to make, and it would put a interesting spin on the quick hacks mechanic.                                 

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