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Only some creature animations working

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I can't get Draugr, Chaurus, Falmer, and Spider animations to work. Probably some others too I can't remember off the top of my head. I can get human, giant, mammoth, dogs, foxes, wolves, horses (without visible dicks), etc all to work fine. What is causing some of the creature animations to not work? I've gone through my mod list and I can't find anything that I think would cause this. I don't have any custom models installed for those actors or anything.


Creature framework 1.1.0-pre2 SE

FNIS creature pack 7.6

Aroused creatures 04.09

More nasty critters 12_6


I have animations loaded and registered, I can switch between them, but they don't do anything. They just stand there and then eventually go back to killing each other. Any help with this would be appreciated. I can post logs if someone lets me know which ones would be helpful.

Edited by The Blacksmith
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10 hours ago, bnub345 said:

Try the More Nasty Critters SLAL page and make sure you use the Creature Framework from that page, I think 1.1.0 is super outdated. 


Which page? Nvm, found it, I am up to date according to the se page

Edited by The Blacksmith
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I upgraded to Creature Framework 2 and more of the animations work now but Draugr's, chaurus, werewolves still don't work, I wasn't able to test everything, but I'm wondering what could cause this


Is it because I have 606 creature animations?


I have the mod for allowing more animations though

Edited by The Blacksmith
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1 hour ago, kukoricamorzsa said:

Did SLAnimLoader register the animations?

FNIS  ran without errors?


I've made some progress. Disabling MNC Always Erect mod enabled horse schlongs, and I got draugr's to work. But then they stopped working. I got them to do 2 or 3 animations before the Draugr would again just stand there and do nothing. I wonder what causes that to happen??? It seems like I'm having a problem mostly, but not always, with hostile NPC actors. It causes them to glitch and not work most of the time?


Sometimes they just stand there. Other times my follower will float around the creature standing still jittering. And sometimes it just works.


Yes SLAL registers 606 animations for creatures. FNIS runs with 1 error. I'm not sure what that 1 error is but it's always been there.

Edited by The Blacksmith
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10 hours ago, The Blacksmith said:


Néha az a gond.. a rendszer nem eszi meg. Hiába van az program 1000 meghatározás már ha telepített-

Le kell menni... 500 alá.... 

Nem a proc vagy a gyors miegymás a lényeg... videokártya és hdd... A rendszer alapprogram a hiba gyökere... többnyire. Ez vagy sikerrel megy vagy sehogyan sem.



Sometimes the problem is .. the system doesn't eat it. Even if the program has 1000 definitions already if you have

You have to go down ... under 500 ....

Not the proc or the fast other is the point ... video card and hdd ... The system root is the root of the error ... mostly. It either goes well or not at all.

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You should be able to run that many anims, and anyway if you had too many the game would most likely crash instead of only working on some of them. The most likely problem is you have some mod overwriting the creature skeletons with some non-sexlab compatible ones. Try seeing if anything conflicts with MNC and moving it to the bottom of your load order. Also, it would be nice to see the FNIS log and whatever error you have. 

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Well I have some good news finally after weeks of modding and playing this game. I installed hentai creatures and all the spells. Spawning the creatures and casting mass match maker target on them seems to work totally fine. I only tried a couple of them, the arch demon and the ash something, but wow, they are so weird and strangely amazing to see in VR. I think it's finally fixed. Even the horse is working.


I found some other settings buried in the mcm menus. Aroused creatures has a vr fix button. Checked that. I found a "allow hostile npc" or something similar so I checked that as I was having a problem with the hostile ones the most. At this point I probably won't even bother with them. They're just a huge hassle unless they want to pin down one of my followers or something. I'll allow it if I'm in the mood.


5 hours ago, bnub345 said:

You should be able to run that many anims, and anyway if you had too many the game would most likely crash instead of only working on some of them. The most likely problem is you have some mod overwriting the creature skeletons with some non-sexlab compatible ones. Try seeing if anything conflicts with MNC and moving it to the bottom of your load order. Also, it would be nice to see the FNIS log and whatever error you have. 


Yeah that makes sense but I don't know what it would be. I use Vortex but I always make sure to use the Loot recommendations embedded in the software when it comes to load order. I don't have any creature npc overhauls or anything. I do have the maximum carnage mod but I think the creatures were still not working before I installed it so I doubt it's that. That mod is so great btw. And XP32 obviously.

If I run into any more problems I'll post a FNIS log.


11 hours ago, kukoricamorzsa said:

Sometimes the problem is .. the system doesn't eat it. Even if the program has 1000 definitions already if you have

You have to go down ... under 500 ....

Not the proc or the fast other is the point ... video card and hdd ... The system root is the root of the error ... mostly. It either goes well or not at all.


my pc is a monster so I think it can handle it

Edited by The Blacksmith
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This only confirms what I said earlier, you have some mod that is changing the creature skeletons. The hentai creatures one is using the default skeleton path so it works, the other draugr are using some other mod skeleton that doesn't work with sexlab.

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On 5/10/2022 at 9:25 AM, bnub345 said:

This only confirms what I said earlier, you have some mod that is changing the creature skeletons. The hentai creatures one is using the default skeleton path so it works, the other draugr are using some other mod skeleton that doesn't work with sexlab.


oh well I have no idea of knowing what mod it is and I can just use hentai creatures now anyway

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