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Floating tongues XD anyone know whats doing this?

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Hello! :)


I have noticed with a few creatures, so far Falmer and Sprigans ( which oddly look like 2 slugs for a tongue) that during sexual animations their tongues float above their heads. I will attach a few pics to show this. This first image which is a 3some you can see the tongues of both Falmer hovering above my players head. Second pic its up above the left falmer thats got me on the floor .


The tongues are not animating but just static and float above the heads of the creature involved. and they vanish when the creatures redress after sex.


I do use various sex mods including obviously MNC and Creature Framework and Sexlab and SOS and animal schlongs ( ABC). A few creature retexture mods but that should only effect their textures of skin, not mesh parts.


Hope someone sees this and understands or has had similar issue. The animations run fine so its more of a small iritating thing but would be nice to find the culprit and remedy it.


Thanks ;)



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Well the tongues belong to the creatures. In those images theyare Falmer tongues. My tongue seems to be fine. And its not happening to every species of creature. for example a Troll or Wolf there is no tongue issue. 


So it appears to be some creatures but not all and this is why i am confused. Humans dont have the issue at all.

Edited by sophiextime
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  • 2 months later...

I don't have an answer for you, but if it's any consolation, I am having the exact same issue at the moment.  Tongue is definitely correlated to the falmer (tried setpos'ing them around, tongue follows them).  Improper installation with Halo's tongues perhaps?  Animations otherwise work as intended.

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  • 1 month later...

Just chiming in to say that it may be BakaFactory's mods, one of them at least. Probably Animated Beast Cocks. I am having a similar issue where some creatures like goats have floating tongues, purple actually(So, missing textures on top of that issue). Haven't checked out Falmer yet. Knowing how sloppy Baka is, I am not surprised at all- But if anyone found a solution, or the actual culprit if I'm wrong about Baka, I'd love to hear it.

Edited by Violence6884
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Make sure the version of ABC you have installed is the correct HDT, if you are not using SMP don't install that version.  I recently had to reinstall windows and when I did I got the floating tongue bug, went to this thread and read over it, then re-installed abc, and then put the non smp version in as on my pc for some reason hdt-smp causes ctds.  Hopefully that fixes your issue.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

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