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I never installed a mod that explicitly adds Player Head Tracking and yet my player will randomly turn her head to view random alive and dead people and since I am using IFPV my camera keeps turning with her head, making the game unplayable in 1st person because I have no control over where I look anymore.

This didn't start happening until I overhauled my modlist for a new playthrough, adding a ton of stuff, most notably sex mods. So I'm thinking that one of these sex related mods added the head tracking without me knowing.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could look at my monster modlist and help me out.


The sex mods are near the top of the list in the "Modlist" tab, starting at #85 and ending at #113.

Thanks again if someone actually does check it out, I can't play without fixing this...

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I know Sexlab Survival has this feature but it's not on your mod list.  From my experience most of those others aren't likely to be the culprit but I have no experience with SPS or sexlab privacy or Sexlabsimplesexing or the sexlife mod, though I think they're doubtful based on what they are supposed to do, best of luck and I'm intrigued if it is one of your sexlab related mods as I've considered installing those ones I mentioned above, I think I read up on a solution to headtracking issues in the past that might be worth investigation if you can't find the mod causing this, it involved installing the pc headtracking mod and changing some settings so the head moved with the camera rather than surrounding objects or something like that to avoid jarring movements for those of us using first person camera mods.  I'll edit this post if I happen to have time to look for that solution.  

Edited by Temmerian
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I found a solution in the IFPV config! There is a setting called "HeadTrackEnable" and when set to True the players head will follow where I aim. So far in my playing with this enabled I haven't noticed any issues except for the camera movement being a little more jerky than before but that could just be placebo.

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