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OutfitShuffler Framework... I guess... Dynamic outfit reassignment for Settlers and NPCs.

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This has been updated. It now waits until after character creation, *should* skip NPC's that are in conversation, has an option in the esp that lets you skip repeated outfit changes, and has an option in the esp to let you choose if outfit changes effect followers.


This is not an "adult" mod, but it does have adult uses. The attached pictures are racey, but not quite nude... I can remove them if asked.


This is a stripped down Quest(esp), with a script(pex), script source(psc), and an informational jpg.




Even though it was my intention at the start to reclothe EVERY female, dynamically, it just doesn't work like that. During my testing, I couldn't get brotherhood, gunners, raiders, or diamond city 'residents' to change. The 'unique' people in DC change, though. I haven't checked the Institute yet.   I have been able to get most of the unique people to change their clothes. Some people are just too generic. Seems to be working just fine in The Institute as well. So far, there's still no hope for Gunners or Raiders. They seem to be spawned, and attached to a parent.Photo273.thumb.png.691f28071194dfe411b5b964a5db847e.png


Dead 'placed' NPCs also seem to change clothes.


I have a lot of mods, and it doesn't seem to conflict with any of them.


My biggest problem is keeping conflicting outfit pieces away from each other.


I need to put a progress check in the script to make sure it doesn't start BEFORE character creation. Done. Outfit shuffler doesn't kick in until you leave the bathroom.


It requires 2-8 outfits to be defined. The intention is to use leveled lists(LVLI) to build an outfit(OTFT), randomly.


(That second box down, on the left, should be "LVLI: Use One, RandomOutfit")


I'd post it as a complete mod, but then everyone would have to install, like, 14 outfit mods, just to get it to load in xEdit. That's why I'm releasing a skeleton you can DIY.




This was put together in pieces, with no plan, over a period of weeks. You get things really deep and complex with the leveled lists.


AGAIN! This is not a complete mod. It is a framework to build upon.




Edited by tzenrick
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  • 2 weeks later...

I did something similar, but mine took a lot more work, I built leveled lists which, for instance, contained every jacket that used a certain slot, and matched a certain style, so for instance, there was a leveled list for casual shirts that used the inner torso slot, and another for jackets that used the outer torso slot, then I made leveled lists that were set to use all and used those to integrate the potentially conflicting clothing options, and I'd make outfit leveled lists which were composed of sets of non conflicting clothing and accessories that matched a style, again set to use all, with certain parts set with a chance for none if they felt optional. Is there any way that your framework could just be altered to check if an npc is female and using an outfit with a female outfit variation associated with it, and replace it with that? That'd be pretty nifty. Maybe if possible just have it check if there is another outfit with the same name but with a _female at the end, and if there is, use that. Just spitballing, I haven't taken the time to lern 2 papyrus yet, and I know it's got pretty limited options for stuff like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

edit: 20 minutes later, and my ADHD has caused me to reformat and rewrite this entire post.


I've been exporting outfit sets, reformatting the data, rearranging the data based on the nested leveled lists, importing the rearranged data as leveled lists of outfit items... It's a process... At this point, I could probably just rename the Leveled Lists as Body Slots, and almost be there, though...


If you want to modify the script so that it's slot based, I'll welcome the addition. I've honestly been contemplating it.

I just dropped the project into GitHub https://github.com/tzenrick/FO4OutfitShuffler


This project is my first foray into sharing my own original code for others to review and modify. I have no idea what I'm doing. It's basically undocumented. I tried to stay descriptive and distinct with variable names, for my own sanity, before I decided to share, so I guess, "you're welcome?"


My script is a disaster. I have a backwards 'Bool Property' being imported, that's happening somewhere, but working as intended, I think....

My biggest problem with the script right now, is that after every outfit change, I'm running 'setoutfit, resurrect' on the actor. This causes a noticeable stutter in-game. I tried using 'setoutfit, disable, wait, enable', and it changes the outfit for their record, and updates them, unless they have 'an enable state parent.' If the actor you're trying to do that to, has 'an enable state parent,' you can't do that, and it spews papyrus errors all over the log. They still change their outfit after they unload and reload, but if they're someone that's about to die, they'll never get reloaded, and you won't see their fancy new outfit. They have to unload and reload, before you see the outfit change.


I'm bad at this. I bashed together code to get to 'pretty close to intended function, with a performance hit.' Then I tried to optimize it some. There have been many failures, and reversions.

Edited by tzenrick
Too much coffee+ADHD.
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  • 5 months later...

I do that just for me and companion, to auto change outfit when enter/exit settlement area but the engine work bad to change outfit when it come with morphing and other and also lag because it take a bit too long to load outfits. It's interesting for modding but the engine is outdated with missing basic functions for outfits, clipping, paint weighting hell, outfit mixing cancerous, super limited slots count... I hope the next engine iteration will add the necessary for that.


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  • 3 months later...

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