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Thank You, To All Of You.

Adam Jensen

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Dunno if I am posting this in the right thread or if there is even a right thread for this, but I just want to say it. If any moderator feels the need to change it from its place or lock it, then by all means go ahead.


I just want to say, this is one of the best forums I ever been too. I been everywhere, from Skyrim Nexus, to Banjo Kazooie forums and yet this is one of the nicest, coolest forums, contrary to popular belief on the Nexus.


When I first discovered this page, I told a friend of mine, that I had found a page with awesome mods, the likes of which have not been seen on sites such as Nexus. He told me that I was crazy and should avoid this place, but honestly, I'm glad I didn't.


Given the topics that are often discussed here, it's amazing how this is one of the least hostile forums I been to. More importantly, you guys provide a freedom of thought, that allows and bolsters creativity, something that I have yet to see in other forums.


Heck, here no one looks you down when you propose an idea as wacky as it might be and I don't have a constant fear of being in trouble by what I say and I believe it is this very same freedom that allows for such a civil atmosphere.


Tl;dr You guys are awesome and I hope you keep being like that. Also a special thanks to guys like Arrok, MasterChris, Jbezorg(Sorry if I misspelled it, I have trouble spelling it sometimes), Ashal and everyone else who one way or the other makes the awesome content we all enjoy.



Reaper out.


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yes this forum is one of the kind

i am also was skeptical in first few days

but when i was see how modders here openly share they ideas without reservation without "that is my toy" attitude (PP,Nexus,GS) i was decide to lurk a bit

and hell look what was become from that "i will just lurk a while"

but hey it is not my fault

it is fault of every adult intelligent person what roaming on this forum

and they are so much outnumbered my poor myself :D

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