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Looking for(or requesting) mod/animation/interaction: Bum Slap

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With as long as the Sims 4 has been out, and with all the mods and features and everything made for it, I am shocked and a little disappointed to see that nobody has made an ass slap interaction. You know, having one sim approach another(friend, enemy, lover, etc) and just give that bum a good ol slap, with different reactions depending on their disposition to you. 


Look, I make my sims so thick, oatmeal is jealous, and I am denied the simple pleasure of smacking that cake like the degenerate I am. Like seriously?


And don't tell me "oh, [mod author's] animation package has a but slap animation in it!" I'm sure it does, and I'm sure I've already downloaded it, but it's not the same as watching a sim vacuum and having the ability to give that cheek a rosy shine.


IDK, maybe it does exist and I just suck at finding it.

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