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texblend not cooperating


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I went to use texblend 0-9-4-b and it would not see my skyrim folder no matter what I did, manually changing it in the config file didnt help, however the config file is confusing as hell. Searching on google and nexus gave me no help either. I am out of things to try, any help would be appreciated.

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Make a folder in your Skyrim "Data" folder called "CalienteTools" if it does not exist there already, open it, and create another folder called "TexBlend" (if it does not exist there already), and unpack the full contents of the TexBlend archive into it. Do not download TexBlend with NMM - do it manually.


If all of the above is already the case, then try deleting all of the above and re-installing TexBlend as stated. This has worked in the past for me - particularly following a re-install of my game.


Another thing to try is to delete your .ini's in C:\Users\[yournamehere]\Documents\my games\Skyrim, then run the Vanilla game launcher to re-generate them - this has also worked for me in the past. :huh:

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