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Alternate to TSR Content Manager

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Hello all,  I am wondering if anyone can direct me to an alternate to the TSR CC Content Manager.  I used to use that program and I love it.  But the new version refuses to recognize package files and won't allow me to establish a path to the content.  I have done everything I can think of, cleaned the complete computer history, removed the program and reinstalled it, cleared the cache and so much more.  Pretty much any of the routine repair things people do.  


For me, it's just not worth it to spend hours trying to get the program to work.  And I can't seem to find any help at TSR.  I am hoping someone made a similar program that I could try out.  


Thanks for anything you have to offer!

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  • 1 month later...

Sims 4 Studio. You can watch all your downloads, delete directly, if you don't like them in the game and the most important thing, your downloads will keep their names and stay, where you want them... It has some tools to repair broken mods and i use it to merge my package files, because the game loads longer with so many separate files and if you merge 500 (more ore less) packages into just one, it really helps

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