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Seeing someone and thinking "I KNOW THAT GUY!"


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Somehow I stumbled across a music video featuring a man named Hugo Egon Balder.

I didn't pay much attention to the name, but when I saw his face I thought "I recognize those facial expressions!". I Googled the name and, lo and behold, he was the host of a German TV show named "Genial daneben" (roughly translates to "Ingeniously wrong") which I watched a ton of about 6-7 years ago. The only difference being that in said music video he was around 20 years younger compared to what I had seen him like.


It's amazing how some features never change. I'm usually horrible at recognizing faces, but the facial expressions and eyes of that man are unmistakable. 


Just felt like sharing the story, anyone else have any similar stories to share?


Oh, before I forget, the music video I'm referring to is this one:


And my favorite episode of Genial daneben is definitely this one:


(31 mins 55 secs is the best part)
Obviously they're in German, so unless you are from Germany or if you, like me, just speak the language for other reasons, you might have some trouble understanding it :P. Then again, you don't need to understand the language to understand the laughter ;).

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