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Hey everyone, how's it going? ?


So, i came across this mod that adds a spell into the game and it basically turns the player into a chair for some time. Npcs can interact/sit on it until the effect wears off. 


It's such a short time tho, just a few seconds, and no way to stay as the object for too long or have it as a toggle transformation on/off.


There is also this one that turns npcs into cheese.


I was wondering if anyone knows other mods that have this kind of feature of turning the player or npcs into objects, or if someone is willing to make one like this.


Thanks a bunch! ?

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Can't really help you but I like the idea of the object transformations.


It could provide the "weak player character"-types with another option to try to dodge danger (only to have it backfire).


Or even the follower mods on here could have it as scenarios, consequences etc. as it would most likely also leave the dragonborn helpless until the spell wears off so they could be transported in the meantime... so many options there


sorry again for not helping

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