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Modding / Technical help resources thread

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Right now it seems that there isn't very much documentation for most of the systems in this game, so ask here and maybe someone will be knowledgeable enough to help you.

Basic resources: https://docs.bannerlordmodding.com/


My question: does anyone know how you should control menus? I know of menu functions like AddGameMenu() & AddWaitGameMenu(). They have many parameters. I've managed to create some menus, but I'm not sure how to control their flow yet.


What I know so far:


id - name. main identifier. identifies the menu in all contexts
text - this is just the text on the menu
initDelegate - a callback func you supply, called when this menu is shown
overlay - not sure, maybe controls what can be seen while you're in the menu?
MenuAndOptionType - different settings for the type of menu, check the MenuAndOptionType options in decompiler or Intellisense
related obj - not sure, maybe a generic object you can attach to the menu for your own purposes?



menuId - which menu to attach this option to (use "id" from above)
optionId - probably just the identifier for this option
text - simply the text of the option
conditionDelegate - function you supply which will decide whether or not this option is going to be shown on the menu
consequenceDelegate - function you supply which will be called when you select this option
leaveType - not sure
index - related to order of options, but not sure of details
isRepeatable - not sure, because changing this value seems to have no effect


// These seem to be like the normal menus that appear on the left, except the game world keeps going while you "wait" in this menu.

id - name. main identifier. identifies the menu in all contexts
text - this is just the text on the menu
initDelegate - a callback func you supply, called when this menu is shown
conditionDelegate - not sure how this relates to the menu in general 
consequenceDelegate - not sure how this relates to the menu in general 
tickDelegate - a function you supply which the menu will call once per frame it seems while the wait menu is going on
overlay - not sure, maybe controls what can be seen while you're in the menu?
MenuAndOptionType - different settings for the type of wait menu, check the MenuAndOptionType options in decompiler or Intellisense
related obj - not sure, maybe a generic object you can attach to the menu for your own purposes?



The menu can then be shown in game with GameMenu.ActivateGameMenu(menuId);


But yeah, still not sure how to control the flow of menus, progress to next choice or submenu, etc.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I don't know if I should ask here but I have been trying to convert some armors from the bikini fantasy mod to Gt_carbonbody using the steps of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOhPjTPZQeg and the TpacTool https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/tool-tpactool-an-unofficial-asset-explorer-0-4-0.420848/ to extract the files to fbx for blender, I adjust the armor and import it into the modding kit I put the textures and in the texture browser the armor looks pretty good but in the model viewer (I did create the armor in items) the charater looks naked, anybody has any idea of what I did wrong?


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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/30/2023 at 8:06 AM, Nibbler2345 said:

As far as I know yes that thing still crashes regularly just by using certain features or scrolling through lists.

If you don't mind me asking what are your specs? I've noticed with many of these script editor menus (creation kit for example) that the better your specs the less likely it is to crash. Also I heard poking around on the taleworld forums gets attention maybe they will offer help with stability issues for the menu.


Edited by DerpCake Official
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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/15/2023 at 7:35 AM, thepit said:

How would you go about adding a new skill tree? The old realms does this with the discipline column. is this something as simple or is this going to be a crazy amount of work? 

Badlistener did add some new skills in Captivity Events, but it doesn't look trivial ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured it would be complicated. Gotta start somewhere. 


the main problem is when will they stop breaking the game with updates. I was thinking that i would follow the old realms style of a new attribute, but instead of one where you put points into it, it is the average of the points in the other attributes. the skills level up in the normal ways, and to balance it out would also add focus points and attribute points as needed. 



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On 1/5/2024 at 5:41 AM, thepit said:

I figured it would be complicated. Gotta start somewhere. 


the main problem is when will they stop breaking the game with updates. I was thinking that i would follow the old realms style of a new attribute, but instead of one where you put points into it, it is the average of the points in the other attributes. the skills level up in the normal ways, and to balance it out would also add focus points and attribute points as needed. 



We can add skills the way BL added prostitution and slavery skills, (i'm currently working on it too) but full-on skill trees with UI, icons and an XP track like the old realms?  I wouldn't even know where to start.

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