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[Request] Universal Basic SLEL animation pack

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Most people use SLAL to get their Skyrim animations nowadays, and most users have probably experienced the pain-in-the-ass that is "trying to find animation packs that cover all the possible situations but don't cause CTDs from too many animations and/or hitting the FNIS upper ceiling."

Hence, I propose for someone to organize a very basic collaboration effort to make the whole situation infinitely easier for the users.

How about simply putting together a single SLAL animation pack that contains 1 animation variant for all possible creature and actor actions for mods to use as a baseline?
The purpose would not be to provide variety in animations, but rather to provide a guaranteed animation for every basic interaction to call upon, so that mod makers can safely create mods with the assumption that an animation of the event is available without having to make one of their own just for their mod.

Additionally, users would be able to install only this one package and be certain that there is an animation for everything in the game without looking up specialized mod packs or having to worry about their animation count. Just get Sexlab, SLAL and this pack and you are technically ready to go even if you're running beast mods, punishment mods, bondage mods etc.
(Though you can of course still install any other animation packs on top of it if you want variance)

This would not be "one pack made by one person" but preferably more like "one pack with animations from tons and tons of contributors 'donating' an animation of theirs to the pack" until eventually all the basics are covered.

For instance, unlike the basic Sexlab animations, there would be 1 version of vanilla missionary sex, 1 version of aggressive missionary sex, 1 version of spanking, 1 version of aggressive spanking etc. (Obviously some form of system would need to be formulated to determine what exact situations need an animation but that goes beyond the scope of this pitch-post.)


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This doesn't seem like a bad idea, but I don't see this gaining a ton of traction unfortunately for a few reasons. The Sexlab framework by default has a decent amount of animations built in, including some more uncommon scenarios (threesomes, standing, beds, foreplay). These include a few different authors as well. Outside of 4+ person animations, I honestly think pretty much every human act is covered. I don't remember if creature anims are included by default, but MNC adds at least one for I believe every creature. So already you have just about every combination covered by Sexlab + 1 "universal" creature pack, and merging beyond there probably wouldn't be wise considering the amount of people who don't care for creature content at all.


On top of this, the Skyrim modding community can be a bit picky about sharing their work. When a lot of these animation creators already have patreons and exclusive animations, I'm not sure how successful an attempt to get a "donation" of an animation would be, especially given that some amount of support would probably then be demanded by ignorant users if the animation pack has an error or bug.


Finally, although this point may be ignorant on my part because I haven't had many issues, installing SLAL packs just isn't that difficult. It's plug and play, register the animations in the MCM and you're good to go. Animation count could be an issue, but these days there are fixes for FNIS that boost the usable animations to something around like 10,000 IIRC. I'm using just about every SLAL pack out there without issues right now. For those who can't/won't use the animation extending voodoo, there are pretty comprehensive packs out there like Anubis or Billy that already cover almost every conceivable exotic combo without needing help.


Basically, a universal pack already exists, it's MNC and Billy's or Anubis's packs.

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