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Complete Reinstall, Mod Suggestions?

Queen Bee

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I've uninstalled and deleted everything, I'm starting fresh, and I'm looking for help in compiling a list of the mods I want/need the most. I have a few in mind already, but I want to see what is suggested first. Who knows, you may know better versions of mods that I'm not aware of.

There are many things I want out of my Skyrim experience. First and foremost is immersion; I want things to be as realistic as possible without bogging the game down with annoying trivialities (for instance, I'm steering clear of mods that make combat more difficult or add realistic limitations to weapons and armor, because fuck that). To this end, I want the best realistic lighting mod, the best needs mod (eating and sleeping), anything that improves NPC and mob AI, and anything that overall aids the game in feeling more like the real world.

The next thing I want is a better looking and sounding game. This would include mods that improve the graphics and coloring, cities and environments, remove glitches and lag, adds variety to the landscape and creatures, and overhauls to the music, sound effects and voices. I'd also like additions that help flesh things out, like expansions to cities, extra NPCs and new enemies.

Then there's the body and face mods, always important. I want my girl to look pretty (duh), with a vaguely anime style face. The best example I can think of for the face is Tera Online, though even that might be a bit too anime. Body-wise, I'm not married to any particular body type, and variety is the name of the game. Give me a wider range of options when creating my character and I'm super happy. This also extends to hair, eyes, makeup and facial markings.
After that, I'm not really sure. Overhauls to perks might be nice, depending on what they do. Fancy armor is a maybe (remember, I'm going for immersion, and anything over the top is probably not desired). Custom quests are fun, so long as they're as complete as possible and well executed. Additional companions might be good, though I've already determined that Vilja will be my number one companion. Because dear god, I'm in love with her. Please keep in mind that since she's a requirement, all my other mods must be compatible with her.
Still with me? Great! If you want to help me out, throw out your best suggestions and let's see where this goes!
Edit: Below is a list of suggested mods thus far, just so people don't accidentally post a repeat (assuming this thread gets to be that long).



Skyrim Redone


Face and Body Mods:


Pretty Face


Enhanced Character Edit


The Eyes Of Beauty

Follower Mods:
Interesting NPCs
Amazing Follower Tweaks

SR Elf Followers

Lighting Mods:
Realistic Lighting Overhaul
Hunting Mods:
Grrantus Hunting Rework
Camping Mods:
Portable Campsite
Placeable Havok-enabled Bedrolls


Weather Mods:


Wet and Cold




General Immersion Mods:


Realistic Needs and Diseases


Pumping Iron


Immersive HUD

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Oooh, nice suggestion already! I love that they're fully voiced, I'm always interested in voiced NPCs. I hope the voice acting is at least passable, though.


Oh, and I see this is compatible with UFO. I'm not sure if UFO is the best follower mod, but I definitely want to include a follower overhaul of some kind. Anything that works best for increasing the number of followers I can have is a must.

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I like RLO: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450  for lighting.  Very little if any performance hit, and some people actually get a bit of a gain there. Downside to that one being they don't have their dragon born patch done yet.


Grrantus Hunting rework can be nice too. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10601 It changes the death items for a lot animals to yield more realistic quantities (some are a bit too much though imo). 


I don't use a eat/sleep necessity mod myself, however Portable Campsite is a personal favorite, but can get ugly setting up camp, if you aren't on level ground. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9935 I ended up redoing a few meshes for myself, for this one and/or adjusting them to better handle spots that aren't particularly level. Alternatively, if lugging a campsite isn't your thing, there is a havok settling bedroll mod too http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19943 This has some nice color variation, but sometimes the bedrolls sink into the ground a bit too much.

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Anime face huh? This from me is not that really like this what u want, but maybe this should be good, mods i use for character: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7887 with http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12951 for eyes http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13722 and UNP body. Effect: 




If u like that kind of face there is a mod with companions that use it too. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34063 (Only the pretty face not i think, but they should look familiar)

From me that's all. 

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Skyrim Redone - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9286


Since you said you didn't like it, tick off Combat, Encounter zones, Enemy scaling, Enemy AI and Survivalism in the NMM installation. And possibly Standing stones and Races.


It's one of my favourite mods. It might be on the border to your taste, but it's worth to look at. If you like it, consider looking at reproccer if you're using Immersive armors/weapons (or similar).



You said you like immersion; Immersive HUD - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3222

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I like Skyrim Redone, but it's intimidating. It's such an overhaul, I'm not sure if I'm up to the challenge of installing it without blowing up my computer or something.


Thanks for the further suggestions guys, I really appreciate it!

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"S.T.E.P." - can be a good source of recommendations - but do not take it as set in stone. Very good list of bugfixes.


"PRECACHE KILLER" - must-have.


"RACE MENU" - useful.


"TEXTURES OPTIMIZER" - very useful, use it AFTER the whole installation is complete, clean, and sorted, TexBlending done, etc.


Obviously, all the Unofficial Patches, etc. Choose a good ENB - I use Fimbulvinter, but if you're after an anime-styled game you might want something brighter. :)

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