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Goth Gal Allure/Eve 7 Blend

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I am back after a hiatus from everything Sims...


I have fallen in love with Myobis Eve bottom meshes..Gotta love all that ba donka donk especially with all my sliders. I have a ton of cc I have done for myself since coming back to Sims 4 and I will share that later because I was wanting to get this out tonight.


I present Allure Pokie Nipples and Eve Version 7 Normal blend. A new mesh that Myobi whipped up for me and I am so grateful to her for everything. I am a terrible student and still trying to figure out blender. Epic fail for now but I will keep trying.


So here you have it after being cc impotent for a year..<3



It is a full outfit with a nightmare from hell texture that is still not perfect enough in my eyes but it looks good in game. Until I figure out how to work meshes I have to stick to the paint on types of cc especially with my crappy pc not handling high poly meshes and outfits.


If you don't want all 6 outfits and just want a few just delete them with S4S and remove swatches. No hard feelings. I do it all the time if their is an excess of too many color variations with other creators. I try to keep mine tidy but sometimes I add some random thing to my swatches lol

So a long legging option(that last pic are cropped leggings from accessories), a corset tattoo on the back of the legs, a criss cross tight option(I like these tights from the Vampire Pack so I mashed it together with the skirt..  well can't really call it a skirt since it does show the kitty cat haha), some without the leggings and tights so you can add ur own tights or nets etc from accessories and the skirt is low enough to go with most of the stuffs in there. I did that on purpose because in game I noticed tights were coming over the top of the skirt so I had to go in and edit but a lot of the time why I add tights and stuff to my cc is because I hate how when I try to put leggings on some other accessory pops off >.>

Sozzy about the crap graphics, very blurry pics and my settings were on low, used the game screenshots (ewwww) and I forgot to dl my fraps again... will take some better pics later on
 Been a long long day for me. Enjoy and watch out for new stuffs this week. I have posted some shit on my profile.


This is not the Bimbo version, but the normal Eve 7. I will be posting this outfit for different body types..BB bottom with Allure as well as Maxis Default. And I do have the option to separate the top and bottom if anyone wants that done or to add tights and other crapz. 




Be warned..


If you wear butt and thigh sliders like my sims does then yours will also have a hugeeeeeee booty in game and it will stretch out the fabric a bit :P I will add a smooth Allure with the bottom tomorrow and try my best to get a maxis and a BB with Allure as well. BB goes very nice with Allure, another of my fave booty meshes ❤️❤️ 









EA I guess for the leggings, gloves and tights <.<



MESH IS INCLUDED and yes their is a thumbnail..but go check out Myobis page and Patreon ~hugs~


T.O.U. I have none...knock urself out.. if you want to nick my textures and use them in other games or what ever go for it..<3


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    Nada..new mesh is included


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