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All DD plugs I have found and used, have had effects that are out of the players control. Devious Devices - Equip has had some ammount of costomisation but still not as much as I am looking for, I want to be able to set the specific values myself.

I would like a mod that adds new soulgem plugs, all the same but individualy customisable. The names could just be for example: "Custom vaginal plug 1", "Custom anal plug 1", "Custom vaginal plug 2"...   and so on for however many sets there are. Then they would haave an MCM menu that has all the costomising options, where as I said they would each be able to be customised individualy. For the number of how many plugs this mod should add, at least 5 sets, "Custom vaginal plug 1", and "Custom anal plug 1" would be set 1. At least 5 sets but 10 would be better.


I have found in game that there are 5 or 6 (I will use "5" for the rest of this post to save confusion) levels of vibration, 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest. The MCM would include a minimum and maximum vibration for each plug, if min and max are set to 3 the plugs could only vibrate on level 3, if min 2 and max 4 they could vibrate on levels 2, 3, and 4.

How often the plugs vibrate could be set, from being constanty on, to only vibrating every x hours (increment in seconds/minutes/5 minutes?) When the plugs edge the PC they turn off, so if set to be constantly vibrating they will need to be able to start again after the edge is done.

From what I have seen vibrations end in 1 of 3 ways: 1. plugs stop vibrating and nothing else, 2. plugs edge the PC and stop vibrating, 3. plugs cause PC the climax then stop vibrating. These endings should be customisable too, a percentage chance for each ending combining all three makes 100%. For example: 50% nothing, 34% edge, 16% climax. If want always nothing I would set it to 100% and edge and climax to 0%. If it was set to climax 100% the vibrations would always end in the PC having an orgasm. Then edge 50%, climax 50%, nothing 0% it will end with either an edge or an orgasm but never nothing.

There would also be an option for if the vibrations stop or continue after the event, 0% they will always stop, 100% they will always continue. Edge stops the vibrations anyway so it is a chance they will start again, but after climax this will be if they will stop. 100%, after edge they will always start again,100% after climax they keep going. 0%, after edge they will stay off, 0% after climax they will always turn off. Maybe have this individauly for after each event, so rather then having one slider that says % to keep vibrating after any event, have a different % slider for after each event.

For vibrations starting again after an edge event it would be good if they were delayed until after the animation/event has finished so that it makes more sense.


The idea of this mod is that it would be possible to, for example, have the "set 1" plugs only vibrate on level 3 and always end in an edge, while having the "set 2" plugs vibrate on level 1-3 and have a 30% end in nothing 40% edge and 30% climax, and the "set 3" plugs vibrate on level 4-5 with 20% nothing 40% edge 40% climax.


If this mod could have DDe intergration if possible it would be even better, but not a problem if it doesn't.


Development of this mod would be much appreciated.

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