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Is there any mod that can enable/disable DD Itens?

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Hello everyone, I'm new to LL and fairly recent I rediscovered Skryim.

I have been fiddling around with DD and Cursed Loot for the past week or so and  after installing all DD mods and required mods I was able to load and use the itens in game.


But there was a catch, all itens on DD show while I'm using a female body, but if I take a male body for a spin, some itens don't render at all

(I already went down the bodyslide slope a few times already)


ex: Straitjackets render for male body, but straitjackets (open, dress, hobble) don't render and are invisible.


Is there any mod that would allow me to disable itens from DD so they could not be loaded and randomly selected as Cursed Loot?




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