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Challenge: World Conquest!

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So, I've been a long-time lurker in these forums, and I finally have something that might be worth sharing: a challenge for Wicked Whims that I've done several times and never get tired of!


Wicked Whims World Conquest Challenge



  • Wicked Whims mod
  • Wicked Whims 'Inappropriate unlock' mod (for incest interactions)
  • MC Control Center
  • Wicked Whims 'Both Options' addon to allow a character to both be impregnated and impregnate (optional)


Summary: Your Sim has ambitions... ambitions to spread their genes across the Sims world, until only their genes remain!  It's a world conquest through reproduction!


Main Goal

Make it so that the only Sims populating all available maps are the offspring of your main Sim.


Challenge Rules

  • You may start out part of a family, with at least one parent.  Siblings optional.  
  • You must start out as a young adult, and if you start as part of a family you must move out into your own place within one week.
  • You may play as either a male or female Sim, but the female Sim must be able to impregnate others
  • You must play with aging on.  You can use whichever lifecycle length you prefer, but short lifespans will make your work potentially difficult.  You can set custom age cycles via MCCC should you wish.  Different cycles must stay consistent, however (no super short toddler/child cycles, for example; the aging must be at least someone natural in context).
  • No money cheats; your Sim starts with what they get.  Any other custom made households can have as much money as you like, but your Sim must be played legit.
  • You must seduce any and all Sims legit; no 'Always Accept' cheat for WW.
  • You may choose to kill any and all male Sims you choose, but it has to be done without cheats, preferably in a way that could feasibly pulled off by your Sim.  HOWEVER.  For an extra challenge, you could limit the amount you can kill or even make a no killing rule altogether.
  • WW must be set to allow other NPCs in relationships to randomly get pregnant.  It wouldn't make sense that your 'rivals' would be resting on their laurels!  If other male Sims get their genes into the pool, you must be sure to conquer the newcomer once they're old enough.
  • Which brings me to another rule: through MCCC set ALL Sim births to be female offspring.  You can, if you're feeling a little masochistic, set the odds of males to a low chance, but trust me when I say that'll be a headache and a half.
  • You cannot choose any traits that reduce/remove Sim needs (such as Never Weary or Hardly Hungry, more on this later)
  • You cannot choose the 'Sexually Alluring' or 'Beguiling' traits with earned points. (optional)
  • You cannot choose the 'Potion of Youth' reward.
  • Every five successful impregnations you can choose a special reward, more details later). Twins and triplets still only count as one impregnation.  You can reduce this to three impregnations if you're feeling that five is too steep.  You get one free reward for the very first impregnation, which still counts towards your first five.
  • Pregnancy must be set to menstrual cycle, with a low chance of impregnation.  You can choose any length you wish.  I choose the short menstrual cycle.
  • You can make adjustments to offspring clothing and minor adjustments to their physical appearance, but minimize the latter.  Aside from being way too time-consuming, it goes against the spirit of the challenge.
  • You may turn on the global incest cheat (recommended) or add the incest trait manually to any Sim that requires it.  You ARE going to have to breed your daughters, after all!  And your daughter's daughters.
  • You may increase pregnancy duration through the WW settings, but you may not reduce it.  ie the minimum duration is three days.
  • Every fertile woman is fair game; in fact, some might find the married ones MORE enticing.  
  • If your Sim (male or female) is capable of both impregnating AND getting pregnant, your Sim's pregnancies count toward the reward total.
  • The first offspring your Sim gives birth to from the starting generation should be given the option to both impregnate and be impregnated once they're of age.  You then have the option to use them as a secondary breeder, should you find progress too slow on your own.  You can gain up to two additional breeders from being bred by your first breeder.  Thus you can have up to three total breeders.  They must live in your Sim's household, and are completely optional.  Any and all subsequent children your Sim births will just be regular Sims.
  • You can choose to give dicks to your breeders/make them futa.
  • You can also make up to 10% of the Sims in your world futa from the start.  You cannot allow them to breed anybody other than your Sim, however, as they will not possess your genes.



Your Sim, as a reward for their perverted fuckery, has gained a supernatural being as their patron!  This supernatural being grants gifts according to your Sim's success in impregnation.  Every five successful impregnations will give you one reward.  The rewards you can choose are semi-sequential. 


  • Increased fertility.  This allows you to set pregnancy chance in the WW settings higher.  The first time you choose this reward you can set it to the middle setting, and the second time you can set it to the high setting.  You can undo these changes if you wish, but they will still require five pregnancies for each reversion you do.  You can choose the fertility options as your reward at any point you've earned one.
  • Beguiling.  You cannot buy this trait with your earned points, but you can be given it as an impregnation reward (optional)
  • Sexually Alluring.  You cannot buy this trait with your earned points, but you can be given it as an impregnation reward (optional)
  • Potion of Youth.  You cannot buy this trait with your earned points, but you can be given it as an impregnation reward.  An essential tool if you're to actually  complete this challenge; your Sim just won't live long enough without it.  While only one is given per reward, a cheeky Sim with a cloning machine or duplication magic might get away with only choosing this reward once... ;)
  • Need Reduction Traits.  One need reduction trait can be chosen for one reward.  Traits such as Hardly Hungry, Seldom Sleepy, etc.  You must obtain all of these before you can choose any need elimination traits.
  • Need Elimination Traits.  Once you've obtained all need reduction traits, you can then begin choosing need elimination traits.  Traits such as Forever Full, Never Weary, etc.  While ultimately expensive goals, they will also give you more time and freedom to do what you do best: spread your seed across the land!
  • Important note: you can give your Sim these reward traits via console commands, giving points via MC Command Center (exact change only!) or through the UI commands mod.  Either way, they should not be deducted from your earned points.


Victory Tiers and Conditions

  • The minimum requirement to successfully complete this challenge is to have every lot (including the ones that start out empty) occupied solely by your offspring.  The households don't need to be full.  The plots just need to be occupied.  There can be no male Sims left living in the world.
  • Bonus Challenge 1: breed your offspring until the fourth generation.  ie breed your daughters as well as your daughters' daughters.  You can even go for your daughters' daughters' daughters, if you're feeling especially ambitious.
  • Bonus Challenge 2: Have only female/futa townies left.  I don't actually know if this is possible, but you can certainly try!  


Final Thoughts/Tips

  • Don't forget to make yourself immortal through Potions of Youth!  You won't live long enough otherwise!  Of course, some might prefer the vampire route, which is also allowed.
  • To make the challenge more personalized, you could create a custom world to do the challenge in (or get one someone else made).
  • For Sims you care less about, a quickie is more than enough.  You can end the sex interaction as soon as the notification for potential pregnancy pops up if the Sim you're breeding isn't important enough to you to spend time on.  You're a very busy Sim, after all!
  • Completing the Serial Romantic Aspiration is highly recommended, as the reward you receive for doing so is making it so other Sims never get jealous of you romancing other Sims.  It will save you some headaches for sure!
  • Carefully consider your income options.  Many careers have potential to eat up a LOT of your time, time that could be spent breeding.  Creating items that can be sold might be more time prudent than an actual career.


If you've any additional thoughts on the challenge, let me know!  Also let me know if you try it; would LOVE to hear other folks' thoughts on it!  It's been the source of many, MANY hours of enjoyment for me, and I hope it can do the same for some of you.  

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