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grr....... GRRRRRRRRR.......... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Help!


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Argh.. stuck on Sinspawn Gui, operation Mihen on FFX..


Been a LONG time since playing this.. driving me nuts on my 3rd try now.. I manage to whittle down the head and knock it out but its those damn arms they keep respawnning before I have a chance to do some proper damage.


My main party I use is Kimarhi, Wakka and Auron.  Used Wakka and Lulu for the head.


Anyone got any tips?  Im going to have a crack at it again later tonight, wondering if I should grind abit more.. does Gui have any weaknesses?

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If it the one I think it is you need to use YUNA, TIDUS and AURON.


Use Tidus to cast haste is you have on every one. Use AURON to hit the arms and then use the AEONS to take out the head. If you can get YUNA into overdrive state it will be alot better for you. Considering GUI is does not have a weakness element summon your most powerful AEON and just keep attacking the HEAD. If the arms come back up just use the AEON to break them and go back to the attacking the HEAD. When the HEAD has turned to stone just attack the body.


If memory serves you have to defeat him twice but the second time it easy as you have Seymour with you.

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