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Dianne Saldana

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Another sim I've made to share. Here's a backstory of her for those of us who like a bit of lore :)



 Dianne Saldana: A strong-willed, courageous and resourceful woman who is determined to start living again. She was recently taken off the witness protection programme, after over a decade of being on it for her safety against a ruthless drug cartel, who have been out to get her ever since she found out about her husbands involvement. The revelation that her husband was not the man she thought he was still haunts her to her core- the fact he's still out there will always leave her looking over her shoulder, especially when the last thing he said to her was, "You're mine. I'll find you again one day. This I promise you."


 Her husband remains a fugitive, but with all the cartel leaders now behind bars, Dianne hopes to put her troubled past behind her and move to Newcrest in true spirit of starting anew. Maybe she'll meet someone new too, and fulfil her lifelong dreams of becoming a mother. Will life now run in her favour? Or will her estranged husband have meant every last word of his promise...


Enjoy x


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Love this Sim and her backstory.

Will you be releasing the Husband? and or adding more to the backstory with each upload?


I love Sims uploaded with backstory it lets me know what personality they have to add to my story. I have put her in a house in Newcrest but I have given her the Paranoid trait instead of good and a desire to be a best selling author (anyone with that backstory is writing a "Tell all book" :P)


Keep up the good work :D

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Thank you for leaving a reply. I'm currently in the process of creating other unique sims but I have every intention of releasing the Husband at some point;

And I legit forgot about the Paranoid trait! Very fitting for her character- I gave her the good trait to contrast how much of an evil monster her Husband has become lol. Had a lot of fun with this storyline. Glad you liked it ?

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I am loving playing with the Sims you have uploaded. I find backstories inspires how I play my Sims game.

At the moment I have been playing the game with Alison Doll (My main Sim) checking in on Dianne after her shift.

"The police have ended Ms Saldana's protection but rookie cop Alison is sure that she is still in danger and if the Cartel wants to get to Dianne they are going to have to Fuck with her first."

As Alison has already been undercover as a stripper which led to a lot of sex I suspect that she will indeed end up being fucked by Cartel members eventually lol m:P


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? That is sooo wild! I love it, and your creativty.

   Really glad you liked the sim enough to deepen her story! I do very much doubt that they captured all the criminals but I guess they took Dianne off the programme because it costed too much to run for over 10 years lol Police Problems. 

Your sim is cute. Let me know how Alison's 'operation' against the cartel goes?

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I have been playing Alison in one scenario or other since I first got Sims4 and is my main character.

I am working on adding Drew and Nadine to my story now. Drew was just Dianne's hot next door neighbour but now he is a hot single father.

Keep up the excellent work. I am loving the challenge of adding all of your characters into the growing plot.


Alison has been recruited to go back undercover to infiltrate a Street Gang. They have two members locked up downstairs and plan to arrest Alison as a hooker as a hooker and throw her in the cell with them. Of course before they can send Alison undercover the chief needs to be sure that Alison has the right "assets" and "skills" to pass as a whore.

If Alison is undercover however who will be there to protect Dianne from the Cartel?

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Sorry about the late replies, been finishing up coursework even during these times! Was on a strict regime but now i'll be able to play more Sims and interact on here more which is fun.

Thanks for sharing the images - I think Alison is a badass! Not everyone can lure people in with their body ?

And it is true, Dianne seems to find people who can 'help' but always seems to be in danger?? Who can truly protect her from these warlords indeed. In my story, Newcrest wasn't her final resting place because even then trouble found her. Poor Dianne. I hope Alison didn't find that she was too out of her depth with this case. Especially with what you have planned with it. This is a big one. In more ways than one ?

Honesty love what you're doing as far as molding your story and mine together it seems to work well! Keep it up, fabulous work darling :)

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No problems, I used to be so busy with work I was always late replying to posts. I am now not only stuck home because of Covid but also because I am now my mothers carer. As she has been sleeping a lot since the surgery I have had alot of free time on my hands.


While Alison prooves herself to the chief, Dianne has been visiting a spa in the oriental district. As the police never successfully linked Mr Saldana with the Simkuza, Dianne believes (incorrectly) that she is safe there.

The spa is busy but Dianne is oblivious to the reason that so many women visit the 'The Salmon Stream'. They are there in the hopes of catching Drew's eye but he is far to preoccupied. His daughter is out of control and his wife expects him to deal with it. He is trying to relax the sauna when Dianne enters his life and after an awkward silence the pair exchange problems and then much much more.

Will this new relationship grow into something more? Will they be able to keep it secret? With the paparazzi folowing Drew and the Simkuza watching Dianne, I highly doubt it :)


Not sure if this the way you built her or just a happy coincidence but three times I have jumped to a lot with Drew only to find Nadine already there having sex lol :P



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It is a strange time, Covid kinda sprung up out of nowhere  and has affected us all. I wish your mother has a speedy recovery.


 This story is getting better and better. The images fit everything written too. It's so cool how everyone has a part to play in something bigger and some of them don't know how deep it goes. Especially how much her husband is involved and linked to so much things criminal. I do hope my precious Drew makes it out of this unscathed though LOL all those girls down the bottom look like they mean business whatever it is they are going to do. I think both Dianne and Drew find so much comfort in eachother and kinda look hot as a couple? didn't pair them in my game so only seeing them this way now and must say the sauna scene looks very hot. Let's not even mention Alison lol hope she doesn't end up pregnant by her superior or cartel goons. How much of a cock up would that be, no pun intended..


 Oh and it doesn't surprise me about Nadine, she's been a wild one even in my game! Funny coincidence, but I think it's so satisfying when your sims 'act' how you intend them to ?you can just sit back and enjoy the show so to speak?


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