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Has anyone seen pawns developing age related disease every time age is edited in Character Editor?


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I'm playing a heavily modded game with RJW and all addons, plus a huge number of other mods, so it seems like I probably just have to take the time to slog through and identify the issue, but I figured why not ask here as well just in case someone has seen this before or has some ideas.

Every time I change a pawn's age in Character Editor, shortly afterwards a "Birthday" alert is triggered and the pawn develops an age-up related disease like asthma or anxiety. If I go into Character Editor and delete that illness in the Health tab, the "Birthday" alert just re-triggers a few seconds later to add the disease back, and sometimes more diseases almost out of spite or something haha.

This didn't seem to be the case when I first started using CE (just a few days ago, back to Rimworld after a three year break), so it's probably due to a mod I added later, but most of the mods I added later, so it doesn't really narrow it down for me.

So if anyone has any ideas or has had the same problem, anything would help before I head down this rabbit hole myself.


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Do what you would do to troubleshoot skyrim mods.
1. Make new game specifically to recreate problem, if problem goes away it's an issue with the specific save, ignore rest of the steps
2.Ā disable mods in batches of 5-10 until problem goes away
3. re-enable individual mods until problem re-appears
4. post bug report(include log if possible) to mod page
5. remove problem mod, re-enable all other mods, resume save bug first appeared in.

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i didn't have that problem, but i assume that it could happenĀ because:
1)CharEditor makes the current day as pawns birthday if you change their age
2)you're not removing numbers in box before typing a new one. because CharEditor dometimes a bit luggy when you type the age it could "unfocus" the age box and use the current number for pawn. so three-numbered age count will add someage-relatedĀ deseases.
3)you don't pause the game while editing pawns, which could lead to some weird bugs.

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