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SEX ADDICTIONS (a drugs mod)

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Sex Addictions


PREAMBLE (an explanation to why I am posting this request)


Hi, I have for some time had a dream - to role-play an idealistic, sexually-starved Lone Wanderer who would fall into their own personal nightmare of alcohol and drug-induced sexual depravity [but its not all bad!]. I need some "realism" in my RP.


So firstly, I would like to pay homage to this wonderful and unique community in general, because without their huge efforts, talent and support, my dream would never have been formed, let alone [almost fully] achieved! Thank you.


FYI, the following mods are key to my RP...


CBBE/BT2, Bodyslide and their Physics

AAF/Fore-Play (SEU, Sex Harassment/Attributes…)

Animations (Crazy, Leito and Savage Cabbage)

The amazing clothing (immersion) and special item mods (bonjour Vioxsis! Hello DD!)


and the next two more recent mods complete a large part of the story/immersion factor:

Hardship Beggar Whore

Crime and Punishment

[if you haven’t tried these 2 wonderful mods, then its time to wake up and start sniffing some of that Wonderglue! Or maybe stop?]


So with the above (a lite view of my installed mods list), all I needed was a coherent alcohol/drug addiction system... and I had thought that my dreams were answered with the 2019 ambitious mod "Better Living through Chems", I thought I had found the missing link! But sadly not, hence this post.



Amazingly-detailed and lore-friendly mod providing a large number of new drugs and alcohols, their effects/cures/manufacture/application. A potentially incredible mod of HUGE SCOPE, but I dare to think so huge, that when the author (Senterpat) realised how much work was left to provide a truly working version, he/she gave up; I could be wrong, and if so, a thousand sincere apologies! My problem with BLTC is that (a) it is too detailed for my liking, and (b) it hasn’t been finished.




******* MY REQUEST *******

A simple but working addiction mod for drugs that impacts your Lone Wanderer's attractiveness/personality... I know, I know, SIMPLE is extremely subjective, but I have tried to provide a bullet-proof scope (see below) in order to (a) inspire, and (b) keep it as "simple" as possible.




1. Mandatory Compatibility

- AAF Sex Attributes (to enable SPECIAL drug effects)

- AAF Sex Harassment (to enable additional dominant/submissive from drug consumption)


2. Optional Compatibility

- Hardship Beggar Whore (impacting how much money you can generate when totally fcuked out of your brain)

- Crime and Punishment (so that this mod would recognise when you are doing drugs and if you are addicted to these drugs - so any additional drug effects are exploited automatically by C&P)


3. Addictives

- NOTE: Crime and Punishment already deals with standard FO4 alcohols

- DRUGS (Smoko, MMADness and Cracker)

Yes, only three new drugs. No detailed manufacture requirements as in BLTC, just buy and ready-to-go variants


4. Usage (an example)


- Smoko: negatively impacts S*E*IA* but increases *P*C**L

- MMADness: positively impacts S*EC*A* but decreases *P**I*L

- Cracker: positively impacts SPECIA*

Addiction doesn’t bring out the best in you, your attractiveness will decrease and therefore so should your "service prices" too. Most of the SPECIAL positive impacts you received when taking drugs "socially" will be lessened and the negative impacts will increase dramatically.

Example (Cracker)... being addicted to Cracker will lower all of your SPECIAL stats, and that can’t be good.

NOTE: I could see a Hardship Beggar/Whore compatible version being extremely cool.


5. Dominant/Submissive drugs?

Complete work of fiction on my part:

- Smoko (submissive)

- MMADness (both? random? Player choice?)

- Cracker (dominant)

Addiction just magnifies the chosen, non-addictive effect


6. Distribution

All travelling vendors sell finished product [for fcuking bottle caps, if you please!]


7. Animations?

Nah... just keep it simple and use text descriptions.




Please let me know what you think. Espcially the programmers out there... is this really such a simple request or is it a major project? I would be extremely excited to see some serious interest but then again I always was an unrealistic dreamer.


THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION, and have fun out there!

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