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Sexbound Race compatibility request - Angels of Starbound

Theriarch synvaz Avariza

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I'm sure just about everyone has seen the Angels of Starbound race mod in the Steam Workshop. The mod itself has evolved amazingly over the past few years and become something more than just a skin change from the human model. It's been fleshed out with all manner of lore books, randomly generated villages and dungeons, and even separate factions that might help you, try to kill you, and all in between, even if you are a fellow Angel.


That having been said, I noticed that no one ever (apparently, I might be wrong) attempted to create a compatibility mod between Angels of Starbound and Sexbound API, so I was hoping I might formally request such a mod. If anyone is willing to take this on, I would be immensely grateful. If I had the knowledge or skills to do it, I certainly would have already. So, I call upon my fellow deviants here on our most beloved Lovers Lab.


If anyone needs the URL for Angels of Starbound, here it is; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1686520464


As I said, this is just a humble request. If it isn't possible for legal reasons or because the coding is too difficult, I understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is rule to people who works on patch, to ask discretely race mod author, if they can do Sexbound patch for it.


You will ask me why? Because in the past, there was a huge drama around some part of race mod authors community, that they didn't enjoyed when people were doing lewd mods patches for their races. So now, without permission, the work on patch can't even start.


Also there is topic related to requesting patches for Sexbound (check on topic if someone asked about this race before adding another duplicate request): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/100067-race-support-requests/page/25/?tab=comments#comment-2925943

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