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How to pose perfectly still?


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Ive seen those common pose pics on shy and wondering how can i get other npcs to pose perfectly still like that? I already have pose mods i just only need the mods or commands they use to make npcs rotate and stay perfectly still for pics.

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Ive seen those common pose pics on shy and wondering how can i get other npcs to pose perfectly still like that? I already have pose mods i just only need the mods or commands they use to make npcs rotate and stay perfectly still for pics.


1. go into console

2. select the NPC

3. type: "TAI" (no quotes, caps don't matter) press enter, leave console.


5. Profit!

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Here is an image where I staged a street scene. Look at the people in the background! They were all stopped in their tracks using HaloReachMan123's described method.


Some additional info about the 'Toggle AI' command:

If you use it un-targeted (no clicking on a target NPC), you switch off ALL AI around you except for the player character. Using this command with your character as target leaves YOU unable to move, not even able to twitch. So the command is also a great way to conserve a character's goofy facial expression. Once used, an NPC is like glued to the ground. For minor adjustments, you can freeze and un-freeze them alternately, bumping into them to push 'em around. If you open the console, you can re-select your input commands by pushing the arrow keys up and down. That way, you don't have to type the command every time!

Your screen will get cluttered with a string of TAI's in the corner, so open the console again and type "cls" (must be lowercase). This is the command 'Clear Screen'. It clears the screen. To get rid of the ID code at the TOP of the screen, just click on the target again (or anywhere else, it doesn't matter).

To make NPCs rotate, their AI must be ON. Circle them and they will follow your movement, swiveling in place to face you.

Don't activate (talk to) posing NPCs! It tends to reset the poses.

Hope this helps. Keep on shooting screens!

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