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REQUEST: Cursed Companion Armor / Armor of Sanguine

Old Book

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One of the many cool things about the Cursed Armor mod is the tongue in cheek explanation for why your enemies are raping you instead of killing you. The Cursed Armor gives you the power to drive your attackers mad with lust, forcing them to take you rather than continue their attack. The curse also makes you the victim of your needs, forcing you and nearby NPCs to satisfy your lusts together.


It's a hentai anime explanation, but a fun one.


I'd really like to be able to equip the cursed armor on a companion, turning the poor girl into a nymphomaniac. She'd be invulnerable not because she was set to essential, but because attackers would be overwhelmed with the need to ravish her rather than kill her. She'd also be overwhelmed with her needs at random times and demand sex from the nearest appropriate NPC, sometimes including your character.


I can sort of achieve this now. Use Mad Companionship Spells to make Molly the Love Stalker (from LoversStupidNPCs) your companion, give her a sexy suit of armor, then use LoversRapers and LoversJoburg to set her to be raped by attackers at 50% health and to have a super high sexiness. You end up with a Stalker Companion who is regularly the target of NPC attacks and who sometimes ravishes you. All that's missing is Cursed Armors awesome dialog as she contemplates the extent of her fall.


But I'd like to be able to do this with any companion, using a one step process of giving her the Armor of Sanguine and seeing her overwhelmed when she equips it. Adding appropriate dialog and a journal entry would be a bonus.



1) Use the glowing hands armor from Cursed Armor to create the Armor of Sanguine.

2) Once equipped, the Armor of Sanguine would set the companion as a Stalker (Joburg) and a Rape Target (Lovers Rapers). It would also ideally cause her to sometimes rape the Player Character and NPCs (Molly the Love Stalker's AI from LoversStupidNPCs).

3) The poor cursed companion would bemoan the progressive state of her degradation as she found herself raped by bandits, monsters and beasts, and giving herself to random men and women on the streets.


I can write the journal entry and dialog, but I'm useless when it comes to the CS. Would anyone be willing to take the lead with this project?

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A sort of proof of concept: Viconia (of the UnderdarkSaga mod) suffers the torments of the Cursed Armor, kind of.


I used the MoveQuestItems mod to put the armor on her. She did not equip the Punishment of Lust, as it takes a tail slot and most NPCs won't equip something in that slot. If anyone could tell me how to get an NPC to use the tail slot, I'd be obliged.


I've used RaperS & Joburg to sort of make Vic simulate a victim of the Cursed Armor, but that's about as far as I can go without actually building the mod.


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Getting your companion to equip the Curse of Lust (or any item, including items that use the tail slot) requires the console command EquipItem [item code here]. They'll unequip it now and then, mostly when changing outfits; don't use the No Unequip flag or you'll lose access to their inventory.


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