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Imported Schlong using NifSkope does not have the right textures

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So i am using the SOS Light Version with Tempered skins for Males 1.18, and i wanted to import a schlong from the Bad Dog hoodie's schlongs addon, and replace the default one with that one. According to NifSkope this seems to have gone perfectly, as seen in the picture below


When i actually load up the game everything seems to have worked, except the textures for the schlong are all weird. I suspect that it is using the textures from the body, instead of the specific ones that are meant for the schlong itself. I have already set specific paths to the textures of the schlong, so i don't understand what i'm doing wrong


How do i actually make the schlong load up the right textures ingame, or is this impossible with SOS light?



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  • 1 month later...

a little late but - check for each node the BSShaderTextureSet. There are the paths to the textures. One common error is to use an absolute path like c:\....\texture.dds and the other is simple the texture is not where the game thinks it should be regarding to the nif at gametime. I has to be at the same relevant position in the directorystructure to the nif like in nifskope. In your case it means there is a texture but not the same as in nifskope meaning you must overwrite the texture and be sure its loaded after the original or you rename your texture and change it in nifskope 

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