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High Heel System Help Wanted


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Hello, looking for any help with the high heel system. I recently installed the Zero Suit mod from GrimSovereign. It states it should work with this mod, even including the TXT files pre-made. I completely reinstalled my skeleton just to make sure it's all correct, even disabled all mods but those needed for HHS and the outfit, yet I still see my toon clip into the floor. Even with the txt files moved to the HHS folder, it still doesn't work. Do I need to make whatever the JSON file is? (Shown if I select to see the example) If so, what and how would I go by doing that?

Before asked, yes I only got one skeleton, currently using ZeX with CBBE. I have also tested to try and get it to work with other gear mods that have their own heels as well. Figured being specific on what I was trying to get to work should help. So far i've tried Nora's Secrets, Grim's ZeroTwo Outfit (Posts said it works if you set the txt files yourself), and Dicky's Pinup Outfit.

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