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Diverse bodies question about tweaking npcs


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I just installed diverse bodies and it wasn't working apparently because I didn't batch build with morphs box ticked because I didn't have a morphs box lol. so i reinstalled BS and ticked the box and rebuilt. DB now diversifies the bodies around me but I can't get the tweak npc body box/menu to come up when i talk to npcs. I equip the ring and talk to the NPCs they stop and but there is no sound, i cannot trade/talk etc no menu comes up. When i remove the ring eveything goes back to normal. So it is diversifying the npcs just can't pull up the individual tweak menu. Any thoughts? Did i miss something I needed to add to the ini? Also it says i can change the hot keys, are there default hotkeys? I know this is kinda and ols mod but it really does exactly what i wanted, so thanks to the author, a little help on why that individual tweak isn't working would be appreciated tho. thx in advance

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