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How hard would it be to make a sex lamp?


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I've been looking for a way to get my companions to have sex together while they're sandboxing in my hideout and I have yet to find one. So i was thinking what if one were to create a special placeable lamp(with a red light of course)and then modified default sandboxing package.


What if it was modified so before an NPC attempted simulated small talk with another NPC if first checked to see if it could see the light. If the NPC doesn't see the light because the lamp is off or out of range the NPC fires off its normal small talk(IE I hear someone put down that Motor Runner SOB, Or i hear someone went into the lucky 38, etc) But if the NPC does detect the light it will instead have a 25% chance of small talking(people still talk during orgies) and a 75% chance of firing off a random AP sex move on the person it was talking too. (I only suggest AP because it seems to have a larger selection of sex moves than wsex and would give the orgy more verity)


I'm not a modder so maybe thats why this just sounds like an easy project, but considering what you guys have brought me in the past(nekid ladies, game sex, weather, guns from the future, guns from the past,player housing, new lands, giant chocolate rad scorpions) a magic lamp that fires off other peoples scripts just sounds doable.


Besides, who wouldn't wanna go into their base and flip a switch and say "The Pole smoking lamp is on! Commence smoking!"

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