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Fine tuning a new challenge


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Working title: The Fancy Pornographers’ Challenge.


This likely needs some fine tuning and I’m very open to suggestions for the challenge and it’s name.


This came about because of a weird interaction with Mortimer Goth. He pissed me off, so I decided to get revenge. So, I brought two of my characters to his home. One seduced Bella, the other whipped out an easel and painted Bella cheating from reference. I then hung the painting above their bed.


So, for this challenge:


• Download the Simsie Save for completely full neighborhoods: https://simsiesave.tumblr.com

• Choose any family with two teens of any gender combination. Feel free to age up a child if you like a particular family. (I’m doing this challenge with Cassandra and an aged up Alexander.)

• Attempt to seduce a family member of every residence with one of the two siblings.

• The other sibling must paint a masterpiece of them getting it on from reference.

• The masterpiece must be hung in that residence.

• If anyone from the household walks in on the affair: retreat, regroup, and attempt it again in a different combination — seduce another member of the household or use the other sibling to attempt it again with the original sim.

• Use regular lifespans and do nothing (aside from possible pregnancies) to extend the lives of your characters.

• Do not use any cheats to make seducing sims easier — until you have succeeded in hanging a masterwork painting in their house. This includes no besties introductions, using ho control to initiate sex, or using clubs to initiate romantic or wicked interactions.


The goal is to see how many homes you can wreck in the lifespan of your two siblings.

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