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SLAL creature anim is not work

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i setup some Creature and human anim pack (baka, billy.. ect)


have skse,fnis,fnis creature, creature framework,sexlab,jcontainor...all of they need


in SLAL MCM, register anim pack ->all human anim is work!

but all creature pack is now work.. register massege is fake. 


SLAL MCM->register anim->loading->registered 250 new animations ->quit MCM->not work creature anim->register anim->loading->registered 150 new animations(is all creature)

quit MCM->not work creature anim->register anim->loading->registered 150 new animations(is all creature)->quit MCM->not work creature anim->register anim->loading->

registered 150 new animations(is all creature)


it's nothing change


how can i get creature anim?

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13 minutes ago, ksl123 said:


but all creature pack is now work.. register massege is fake. 

re-open MCM SLAL menu, register is not changed

What do you mean by fake messages? Does it look like the animations are being registered by SL Anim loader but you can't get them to play in game?


Did you enable creatures in the Sexlab MCM? (second tab of the MCM, top right corner).

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46 minutes ago, ksl123 said:

i enable creatures,

Cool. Too bad you can't be more specific about what is happening. I have the same setup and it works with no issues.


Can you provide the FNIS log? (all the text you get when you generate FNIS, it should start with your skeleton and end with the amount of animations you have). The messages you get from SL Anim loader or any other framework/mod also may shed some light onto what's going on with your setup and why you can't get it to work.

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5. make sure you have "Allow Creature Animation" checked in SexLab's MCM settings.


6. turn off "Match Creature Gender" in sexlab's MCM settings, if this setting is enabled some animations won't play.


7. did you forget to install the FNIS Creature Pack? install it and rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, then do steps 5 & 8
NOTE: if you do have the Creature Pack but some creatures are just playing idle animations during sex try clicking on "De-Install Creatures" in FNIS, after it's done running click on "Update FNIS Behavior"
(doing this will delete all the creature behavior files generated by FNIS and remake new ones...that is assuming you DO have the FNIS Creature Pack installed)


8. you may need to reload the animations, go to the Animation Loader's MCM and then:
8.1. click on the "Disable All" button.
8.2. click on "Rebuild Animation Registry", then Wait for the message to pop up*.
8.3. click on "Reload JSON".
8.4. click on "Enable All".
8.5. click on "Count Animations" and make sure nothing is over 500, turn off some animations if they are.
8.6. click on "Register Animations", then Wait for the message to pop up*.
*if you like you can press "~" on your keyboard to open the console so you can watch it Register everything, just make sure you close it before you try to click on anything.



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