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Skyrim SSE with VorpX vs. Skyrim VR


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Hey, I'm picking up a new computer and looking into getting a VR rig.  As I'm going to be setting up a fresh installation of Skyrim, I was curious whether people generally feel like (for a perverted Lover's Lab playthrough) it's better to play Skyrim SSE with VorpX handling the VR functionality, or to start with the actual Skyrim VR executable as the basis before modding?


I'm assuming that VorpX is harder to set up the basic VR gameplay functionality, but allows a vastly larger quantity of mods to be used.  Is that more or less correct, or have enough people been modding Skyrim VR specifically that it's not really that cut-and-dry?  Which method do most of the VR enthusiasts here use?

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I wouldn't bother with VorpX for an actual playthrough. It's only really useful for more advanced sex mods and easy access to third person. Personally I've used VorpX with Skyrim LE but Geometry 3D doesn't work well with an ENB, it only shades one eye at a time which causes flicker. You can use the other 3D options and get full ENB and better performance but the lack of depth makes it a weak choice. I've tried SSE with ENB too and it seems to work without issue, but performance is pretty poor, and the ENBs weaker. I haven't bothered with modding Skyrim VR yet since it was so far inferior in graphics compared to LE with ENB, but for an actual VR playthrough I wouldn't consider anything else. Maybe if you have a beast of a rig VorpX might prove playable, as long as you can settle for seated controller experience. VorpX and Skyrim VR are quite different in their actual end result experiences.

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