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Normal maps and multires


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I'm afraid I know very little about 3d modelling, but while poking about in blender I've found something odd and frustrating. If I add a level of multires and then export the model with the multires, it makes it into skyrim fine, however the normal map seems much more pronounced than it ought to be. As an example, I fiddled with the look of the female werewolves, and once they were in game their fur stands out dramatically more than the male, who is using the same texture (I use Naturalistic Werewolves). Any thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

heres a few things you can try, i have not yet modded skyrim but it should be the same in this regard if you are using blender.


set your normal map texture up





now you will need to set the strength of the normal map and bump. the images will show how to do that.











and because gloss will also effect the strength you will need to adjust the alpha channel on your normal map too.






the image is not a perfect example of gloss amounts the moderate gloss should be a bit darker but that should give you an idea.


you may also need to adjust the gloss in the nif too, try to be around 15 - 20 for gloss and see if that helps at all


i'll do my best to keep popping in to answer questions but if i dont make it one day dont pannick i go back to work today and i'll answer as soon as i have time to do so.

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