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asketo's animations for WhickedWhims and some objects for TS4

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2 hours ago, rfsadfvcszdg said:

I would really like to receive detailed instructions on the location of various devices. Since some animations include 2 or more devices, such as an “enema syringe” and a coffin.

I will be very grateful!


They are launched similarly to other animations if all the necessary things are in the mods folder;

Specifically, for animations with a hole, you need to install "Hole - Trap Hole" (this stray is in the window section or can be found in the search) in the wall and click on it (if the wall is hidden, then click will not work), then just select the animation you want. Then, if the appropriate mods and / or add-ons are installed, then all the necessary animations will be displayed.

In general, WW c sex scenes always works the same way:

1) He needs a place or places for debauchery as indicated by the author of the animation

2) Actors

3] and if there are props in the animation (they can be taken from additions, as well as from other authors (the same sex machine from YrSa in FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN-1/2))

(if something is missing then the animation is not displayed)

then when you click on a place (whether it’s a spoon, a window or another unknown thing), the corresponding menu appears and the choice of animation, regardless of how many things the author pushed into it.

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8 hours ago, simsfanatic84 said:
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I cant get any of the animations to work with the objects. Why? I click on the objects for my sims to interact with them and nothing comes up.  Why isn't the animations working with the objects? and I think a few objects were missing from the list


What's not work? What object are you clicking on?

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22 hours ago, simsfanatic84 said:

Everything it shows in your pictures, I don't think the animations are working with your objects nothing comes up like it does in your pictures


I believe you are unzip asketo's_ts4_objects[YYYY.MM.DD].zip (for using objects) and WW_asketo_Animations[YYYY.MM.DD].zip (for using animations) in your Mod folder or subfolders.

After that run the game and check if all mods are connected


YrSa BDSM devices - [X-frame "Yes, Master!"] - xFrame.package

Azmodan22 Bondage Devices [Pillory] - Pillory1Medium.package

YrSa BDSM devices - YrSa_SexMachine2.package

YrSa BDSM devices - YrSa_Riding-CropNN.package

4 objects from other creators


14 objects from me

1 animation file from me too :) needed


after this in game checking animations in Wicked->Settings->Sex Settings-> Animations Disabler-> author (for example - asketo 36 animations)-> Category (for example - anal 10 animations)






Here we can see there run animation and actors for it: in Regular place (Floor, Yoga Mat, ottoman, etc.)  or in custom place

In the download page I wrote(More detailed information in description under spoiler) , how this making many other authors, the disposition for started sex scenes.

For example:

• Narcissus 1 - TEASING - F - MIRRORS [Straight-up Wall Mirror; I Only Have Eyes for Me Wall Mirror]

• FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN-1/2 [Stage 3] - ANAL - B+B - {Azmodan22 Bondage Devices [Pillory] or asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole]} - <YrSa BDSM devices[Riding-crop,  LoveMachine]>

• Blood and dick, blood in dick- TEASING - B(V) - FLOOR - <asketo's objects [Sextoy - middle handle dildo]>

• Day of tentacles [Stage 1] - TEASING - F - {asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole]} - <some asketo's objects>

Legend for this:

• Name of animation - Category of sex - Participants -  Disposition - <Necessary props>

Participants: M - Male; F - Female; B - Any Gender; G - Ghost; V - Vampire - actors

Disposition: Standard place; [Custom place]; {Special place} - there you are starting animation (on that you/me are clicking to start scene)

Necessary props - without this objects the animation do not starts



FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN-1/2 for Azmodan22 Bondage Devices [Pillory]:





FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN-1/2 for asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole]





 Appetizing dish for YrSa BDSM devices - [X-frame "Yes, Master!"] need «The Sims 4: Get to Work» - EP01 for dish





Appetizing dish for YrSa BDSM devices - [X-frame "Yes, Master!"] need «The Sims 4: Get to Work» - EP01 for dish




All animations are working






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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/15/2019 at 8:02 AM, asketo said:

Приветствую :)

Запускаются они аналогично остальным анимациям при наличии всех необходимых вещей в папке mods;

Конкретно для анимаций с дырой надо установить "Hole - Trap Hole" (эта приблуда находиться в разделе окон или может быть найдена в поиске) в стену и щелкнуть по ней (если стена скрыта, то щелкнуть не получиться), дальше просто выбрать нужную анимацию. Затем если установлены соответствующие моды и/или дополнения то отобразятся все необходимые анимации.

В общем WW c секс сценами всегда работает одинаково:

1) Ему нужно место или места для разврата которые указал автор анимации

2) Актёры

3] и если есть предметы (props) в анимации (они могут быть взяты и из дополнений, а также от других авторов (та же секс машина от YrSa в FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN-1/2))

(если чего-то не хватает то анимация не отображается)

то при клике на место (будь то ложка, окно или другая неведома зверушка) появляется соответствующее меню и выбор анимации независимо от того сколько вещей автор впихнул в неё. 

Толи я плохо объяснял суть вопроса, то ли вы не поняли, но я уже разобрался по скриншотам, которые вы отправляли ( а именно, что бы анимация работала нужно расположить секс машину на какой то поверхности за "Pillory" ) Однако половина ваших предметов у меня тупо не работают. Одни просто не кликабельны, другие же можно либо осмотреть, либо взять в инвентарь.

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3 hours ago, Cobaltum said:

Толи я плохо объяснял суть вопроса, то ли вы не поняли, но я уже разобрался по скриншотам, которые вы отправляли ( а именно, что бы анимация работала нужно расположить секс машину на какой то поверхности за "Pillory" ) Однако половина ваших предметов у меня тупо не работают. Одни просто не кликабельны, другие же можно либо осмотреть, либо взять в инвентарь.

Не надо секс машину никуда ставить, она используется только как props (то есть как реквизит), и должна подключаться к анимации автоматически. Также автоматически должна и исчезнуть по окончании анимации. Выбираешь Pillory ставишь его (или вмуровываешь в стену Hole - Trap hole) щелкаешь по объекту выбираешь Похоть...


Выбираешь категорию Анал...


Выбираешь нужную анимацию и она уже самостоятельно подхватывает нужные вещи (props) (Не надо ничего доустанавливать, ни тумбу, ни секс машину все делается автоматически)


По окончании сцены остается только то, что установил (в данном случае pillory) без реквизита


Та же сцена но в Hole - Trap Hole






Многие вещи используются в анимациях как дополнительный и необходимый реквизит, но сами по себе не имеют какую либо анимацию, если конечно аниматор не сделал такого взаимодействия. Вот и у меня плетка, тентакля и многие другие вещи сделаны для участия в анимациях, но сами не анимированы (да и выглядеть это будет странно, вот представь лежат анальные шарики где-то на высокой полке под углом заданным игроком, а на них насаживается актёр под странным углом сквозь всю эту полку, так как анимация берет координаты от той вещи которую ты щелкнул), в целом они больше необходимы самим аниматорам, чтобы посмотреть разные идентификационные данные для последующего внедрения в анимацию, и для расстановки на стол или ещё куда как простые декорации... Возможно в будущем, когда разберусь со всякими эффектами и функциями, я добавлю к ним еще какой функционал, но вот делать анимации для таких малых объектов которые могут быть расположены на разной высоте и под разными углами просто нерационально. А вот использовать их в роли реквизита для сцены какой либо анимации вполне приемлемо. 

Вот есть такая штука(меш) Cherry_Pie Cum Mesh используемая некоторыми аниматорами для симуляции эякуляции, сколько по нему не щелкай сам по себе он не имеет анимации, но аниматоры могут его использовать для своих сцен, вот и часть моих вещей также используется.





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  • 2 weeks later...





♦️ Name of object: Hole - Glory Hole
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package
♦️ Object Category: Windows
♦️ Other tags: BDSM, Voyeurism, Gloryhole
♟ Disposition: Wall
☑ GH1.png.1fceaf5ddcc8faf12f9f29231ffa193d.pngGH2.png.5cc9b161873b3445dd78cea5070acb02.pngGH3.png.06a34cf42d66f06e244472cf1f295ed8.pngGH4.png.4dfb1d42ff87400d4ce7bb8175f6a9df.pngGH5.png.61643aa3ac8e06f3df0dbbfbf7c5da42.pngGH6.png.789a12845a432b986689654fd9754cc0.pngGH7.png.7efe05fbe4ecb41e8f8cfcbbd193d654.png

Some words about - In passive mode it's Glory hole. In active mode it is a simple mechanism.





♦️ Name of object: Wall - wall (big)
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Wall_wall_big.package
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: Place
♟ Disposition: Wall
☑ WB1.png.8972780a13eb45a395479fdbcc54124b.pngWB2.png.a18a5b8f43ede8ea19f7cdc4e414e434.pngWB3.png.6788ee076748815fbfa134b827105a09.png

Some words about - Not found wall for animations. So I made this crutch.

♦️ Name of object: Wall - wall (big) corner
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Wall_wall_big_corner.package
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: Place
♟ Disposition: Wall
☑ WBC1.png.fa57a9c118dae73b86fa963cc880f6fb.pngWBC2.png.4acf895aa01f2e566b2dc5c4c36a1a8d.pngWBC3.png.165cb8f47ed657b93e28fb2baf4c56d1.png

Some words about - Not found wall corner with angle-90° for animations. So I made this crutch for future animations.

♦️ Name of object: Wall - wall (small)
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Wall_wall_small.package
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: Place
♟ Disposition: Wall
☑ WS1.png.3e07cf4e4b14b4a6060a133a22a8aa21.pngWS2.png.cd0958077977cc94a326303b3c8b237d.pngWS3.png.1b2f4ca9e228df0e5c0e7e8c9c4c2a56.png

Some words about - all "walls" have three colors (three mods)
Red: Edge against wall mode
Green: Freestyle mode to put it anythere
Transparent: Just play mode

♦️ Name of object: Wall - wall (small) corner
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Wall_wall_small_corner.package
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: Place
♟ Disposition: Wall
☑ WSC1.png.8d4dd5cedbb2e35d9ce73ccd7d18c771.pngWSC2.png.edd27579307a55357ac754ce9ae3c3c1.pngWSC3.png.03744d67b153c7dbe30f5929d0360fd7.png

Some words about - To find a transparent thing hover over it and its name will be displayed. Hold alt for more precision.






♦️ Name of animation: Scary move 1
♦️ Category: CLIMAX
♟ Disposition: DOUBLE BED
☑ Requierment: Nothing
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male(Ghost)+Female
♦️ Next animation: Nothing




♦️ Name of animation: Fate in Hand

♦️ Category: HANDJOB
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Walls]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Wall_wall_big.package or asketo_Wall_wall_big_corner.package or asketo_Wall_wall_small.package or asketo_Wall_wall_small_corner.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male+Any Gender Sim(Female prefer)
♦️ Next animation: Random



♦️ Name of animation: The corner
♦️ Category: TEASING
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Wall - wall (small) corner]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Wall_wall_small_corner.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Any Gender Sim
♦️ Next animation: Random

♦️ Name of animation: Scary move 2
♦️ Category: CLIMAX
♟ Disposition: asketo's objects [Holes]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Peep_hole.package or asketo_Hole_long_Glory_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Any Gender Sim(Ghost)+Any Gender Sim
♦️ Next animation: Random




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47 minutes ago, PZANIM said:

It looks pretty nice :D I'll try glory hole later. ;)

Oh. It's good :) . But be careful with WWID 16611701337822466786 and 16051519136073693420, the mirror parts (FlatMirror meshes) for this objects are not movable.

The Hole with WWID 13419604676262151335 is fully worked.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't seem to find the Modern Rack "Magic Glitch" Object.  It shows up in build mode search and clicking on the result takes me to misc. comfort, as expected but there is no thumbnail for me to select and place.  Does it require a particular DLC or something that I might be missing?

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  • 5 weeks later...



♦️ Name of object: Furniture - stool "Vertical".
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: Furniture, Place
♟ Disposition: floor


Some words about - In passive mode it's just a stool. In active mode it is a simple lift mechanism.





♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage 1]
♦️ Category: TEASING
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Any Gender Sim+Female
♦️ Next animation: At a height [Stage 2]

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage 2]
♦️ Category: ORALJOB
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Any Gender Sim+Female
♦️ Next animation: At a height [Stage 3.M], At a height [Stage 3.F]

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage 3.M]
♦️ Category: HANDJOB
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male+Female
♦️ Next animation: At a height [Stage 4.M]

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage 3.F]
♦️ Category: HANDJOB
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Female+Female
♦️ Next animation: At a height [Stage 4.F]

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage 4.M]
♦️ Category: FOOTJOB
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male+Female
♦️ Next animation: At a height [Stage Culmination.M]

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage 4.F]
♦️ Category: FOOTJOB
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Female+Female
♦️ Next animation: At a height [Stage Culmination.F]

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage Culmination.M]
♦️ Category: CLIMAX
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male+Female
♦️ Next animation: Nothing

♦️ Name of animation: At a height [Stage Culmination.F]
♦️ Category: CLIMAX
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo_Hole_Trap_hole.package or asketo_Hole_Glory_hole.package, asketo_Furniture_stool_Vertical.package
♀️♂️ Simulators: Female+Female
♦️ Next animation: Nothing




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On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 11:02 PM, Mahkar said:

I can't seem to find the Modern Rack "Magic Glitch" Object.  It shows up in build mode search and clicking on the result takes me to misc. comfort, as expected but there is no thumbnail for me to select and place.  Does it require a particular DLC or something that I might be missing?

Sorry for the late reply. Perhaps the game pack "Outdoor retried" is needed. The object uses the function from this add-on. I’ll add a description later or edit this object later. It’s hard to find this problem myself, as this DLC cannot be removed normally.
Removed some functions from dlc, if you wish you can try.


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On 11/1/2019 at 10:02 AM, Mahkar said:

I can't seem to find the Modern Rack "Magic Glitch" Object.  It shows up in build mode search and clicking on the result takes me to misc. comfort, as expected but there is no thumbnail for me to select and place.  Does it require a particular DLC or something that I might be missing?

On 11/30/2019 at 11:14 AM, asketo said:
Sorry for the late reply. Perhaps the game pack "Outdoor retried" is needed. The object uses the function from this add-on. I’ll add a description later or edit this object later. It’s hard to find this problem myself, as this DLC cannot be removed normally.
Removed some functions from dlc, if you wish you can try.

asketo_Modern_Rack.package 1.7 MB · 10 downloads

The new file didn't fix the problem, but I don't own the "Outdoor Retreat" pack, so that would definitely be why it's not showing up for me. I love your other stuff that is working for me and don't mind having to wait till I buy the DLC from EA to see the rack.  Keep up the good work.

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17 hours ago, Mahkar said:


The new file didn't fix the problem, but I don't own the "Outdoor Retreat" pack, so that would definitely be why it's not showing up for me. I love your other stuff that is working for me and don't mind having to wait till I buy the DLC from EA to see the rack.  Keep up the good work.

 I'll try later remake this object base only on base game content (Now I making other "real" Rack, maybe i upload it and remake before year ending) . "Modern Rack" now has only one own scene, I think this solo scene not so big reason to install MR, if it's give big troubles.
I am glad to see a fan of my work. ? 



Maybe it's later in my game it's look like this:








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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Estz said:

Hello Asketo.

When you are making these objects, how do you get the correct bone position for the object, into sims 4 studio?

1. Find absolute position for 1-st bone in blender for your model


2. Input this coordinations values for your first bone in S4S (coordinates of transformBone(parent bone) (0,0,0) - we don't need calculate anything)


3. Find absolute position for 2-nd bone in blender for your model


2-nd bone is child of 1-st

Find difference between absolute positions 2-nd a and 1-st bone (from example (0,0,8)-(0,0,2)=(0,0,6)) 

4. After end calculating input this relatives values for 2-nd bone (Better if you find all absolute values for all bones of your model and wright it in something with names of bones)


n. repeat it many times for all bones.

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53 minutes ago, asketo said:

1. Find absolute position for 1-st bone in blender for your model


2. Input this coordinations values for your first bone in S4S (coordinates of transformBone(parent bone) (0,0,0) - we don't need calculate anything)


3. Find absolute position for 2-nd bone in blender for your model


2-nd bone is child of 1-st

Find difference between absolute positions 2-nd a and 1-st bone (from example (0,0,8)-(0,0,2)=(0,0,6)) 

4. After end calculating input this relatives values for 2-nd bone (Better if you find all absolute values for all bones of your model and wright it in something with names of bones)


n. repeat it many times for all bones.


Thank you very much for explaining. I will try everything you've said.?

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  • 1 month later...





♦️ Name of object: Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" 
♦️ Name of file: asketo_Furniture_Modern_Rack_Horizon.package
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: BDSM, Furniture, Place
♟ Disposition: Floor
☑ 2rack-set1.png.90190f53c5a03c79885ce920a70c5f72.png2rack-set2.png.c94f6b043c4fab2d30ec68bde645d141.pngthmb1.png.04eee347a21ed794d5d1d04d36c0310b.png

Some words about - another modern rack.







♦️ Name of object: Ceiling decoration - mirror-lamp "Wonderland" B(ig) and S(mall) variations
♦️ Name of file: asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_lamp_wonderland_B.package, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_lamp_wonderland_S.package
♦️ Object Category: Lighting - Ceiling lamps
♦️ Other tags: Ceiling decoration
♟ Disposition: Ceiling
☑ thmb-big-lmp.png.78de81432470e30770ef0c17396d6e4a.pngthmb-sml-lmp.png.38f068f96ef54030af04938e12abd750.png

Some words about - just mirrored ceiling lamp. B(ig) and S(mall) variations.

♦️ Name of object: Ceiling decoration - mirror "Wonderland"
♦️ Name of file: asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_bg_qr1, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_bg_qr2, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_bg_sq, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_bg_tr, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_sm_qr1, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_sm_qr2, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_sm_sq, asketo_ceiling_decoration_mirror_wonderland_sm_tr
♦️ Object Category: Comfort - Other
♦️ Other tags: Ceiling decoration
♟ Disposition: Ceiling
☑ tmb-qci-b.png.253bd2601b6dd4312c51fbc9380c4b25.pngtmb-qco-b.png.b50a029007785d11a9589ed874340b7a.pngtmb-sq-b.png.af8160be415dbfc476eb79a3f5d3e30c.pngtmb-tr-b.png.684dbfa5b771eb6dcc87a11307e07c73.png

Some words about - mirrored ceiling. 4 variations of large tiles and 4 variations of small tiles.




Some small fixes of objects and an attempt to make all possible items based only on the base package of the game.




♦️ Name of animation: Approach from behind [Stage 1]
♦️ Category: TEASING
♟ Disposition: BAR, FLOOR, DANCE FLOOR
☑ Requierment: Nothing
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male+Female
♦️ Next animation: Approach from behind [Stage 2]

♦️ Name of animation: Approach from behind [Stage 2]
♦️ Category: TEASING
♟ Disposition: BAR, FLOOR, DANCE FLOOR
☑ Requierment: Nothing
♀️♂️ Simulators: Male+Female
♦️ Next animation: Random

[Approach from behind [Stage 1] and Approach from behind [Stage 2]-kissing]




♦️ Name of animation: Slight Tickling

♦️ Category: TEASING
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon"]
☑ Requierment: asketo's_ts4_objects.package(asketo_Furniture_Modern_Rack_Horizon.package)
♀️♂️ Simulators: Both(Male)+Female
♦️ Next animation: Random




♦️ Name of animation: Anal sex on a plane

♦️ Category: ANAL
☑ Requierment: Nothing
♀️♂️ Simulators: Both(Male)+Female
♦️ Next animation: Random



♦️ Name of animation: Scary move 3
♦️ Category: HANDJOB
♟ Disposition: DOUBLE BED
☑ Requierment: Nothing
♀️♂️ Simulators: Any Gender Ghost+Female
♦️ Next animation: Random



♦️ Name of animation: At the wall 1
♦️ Category: VAGINAL
♟ Disposition [Special]: asketo's objects [Hole - Trap Hole or Hole - Glory hole]
☑ Requierment: asketo's_ts4_objects.package[Walls]
♀️♂️ Simulators: Female+Female
♦️ Next animation: Random


Before installing packages, please remove the old ones.
Now I merged all separate objects files in one ("asketo's_ts4_objects.package"). If someone want to use some objects in their animation just unmerge "asketo's_ts4_objects.package" file with S4S into separate files.
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3 hours ago, arillis said:

I can't find the Slight Tickling animation in the playlist



Maybe you'll try searching at the end of the teasing list.

(Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" -> Wicked -> sex -> teasing (in the list I'm near the end))

The animation scene is made only for Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" 2rack-set1.png.90190f53c5a03c79885ce920a70c5f72.png2rack-set2.png.c94f6b043c4fab2d30ec68bde645d141.png.
Is it a run?
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11 minutes ago, asketo said:



Maybe you'll try searching at the end of the teasing list.

(Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" -> Wicked -> sex -> teasing (in the list I'm near the end))

Animation scene making only for Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon".

Thank you for reply


I seachered but still can't find it.


Other animations seems fine




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51 minutes ago, arillis said:

Thank you for reply


I seachered but still can't find it.


Other animations seems fine




How about Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon", can you find it in build mode?

How about Props - Cuffs, can you find it in build mode?

If you find them, open a console (Control + Shift + C) and enter the following command:


Object -> DEBUG: Object information

look at the panel that appears

WWID and GUID information about these objects is very useful.

WWID for Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" must be -  13015445967774191708

GUID for Props - Cuffs can be one of it - 14096725812910988485, 14096725812910988486, 14096725812910988487



I also used BlushBrusp in this scene, but it is part of the game’s basic set and should not cause glitches.




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1 hour ago, asketo said:

How about Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon", can you find it in build mode?

How about Props - Cuffs, can you find it in build mode?

If you find them, open a console (Control + Shift + C) and enter the following command:


Object -> DEBUG: Object information

look at the panel that appears

WWID and GUID information about these objects is very useful.

WWID for Furniture - Modern Rack "Horizon" must be -  13015445967774191708

GUID for Props - Cuffs can be one of it - 14096725812910988485, 14096725812910988486, 14096725812910988487



I also used BlushBrusp in this scene, but it is part of the game’s basic set and should not cause glitches.





I will give it a try


thank you

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