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Clothing Slots

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Hello people. I'm sorry if this issue is answered to another post but I couldn't find anything relevant. 

So my issue is that when my character is involved in a sex scene, some clothes do not get off. I tried to do with the vaultsuit and all the available leather pieces. So far so good. They all came off when the scene started. But I'm using the following armor mod 'Atom Girl outfit' and here is the problem. The skirt and panties don't come off. I'm sure it has to do with the clothing slots so my question is this. 

Is there a way to choose witch slots will be undressed and if so, is it through AAF or there's another mod for that? 

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1 hour ago, SwarmQueen said:

There are options when installing AAF if you want to undress completely or which specific parts you want to keep. Have you tried reinstalling AAF and choosing one of the options.

Nope. Still doesn't work. I have to unequip them manually through the wizard. Anyway it's no biggie it was just me being lazy to have to do it everytime! Thanks for the reply though!

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