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FurTwinks - ?​​​​​​​ Tristan Mothwing ?

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FurTwinks - ?​​​​​​​ Tristan Mothwing ?

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I decided to share a few “furry/twink” themed Sims I made ? This is the 12th Sim! Enjoy!




? Tristan Mothwing ?




Tristan is a being that is half moth, half human; but it wasn’t always like that.


His father was a famous scientist who constantly pushed the frontiers of physics and engineering. His audacious experiments were something out of this world, sometimes relatively unsafe.


Tristan’s father created a prototype of teleporter, with two chambers acting as terminals for matter disassembly and reassembly. He wasn’t concerned with questions like if a person uses it, the person would die in a terminal and someone else would be created on the other side, or if consciousness could or couldn't be transferred; none of these things would stop the progress of science.


One night, when the prototype was already in testing phase, the father left the laboratory to have dinner, leaving the door open. The laboratory was a small building at the backyards of their home. 


Tristan was playing with his toys when one of them, a tiny robot, broke.


Tristan picked up the broken toy and went to the laboratory to give it for his father to fix. He found the door open and entered there, calling for his father, but he clearly wasn’t there. Tristan knew it was forbidden entering there alone, but when he saw all the strange machinery, tubes and valves, he thought he could find something cool to draw on his notebook; he loved drawing.


The light was on, and there was a moth flying around. Tristan didn’t saw it at first, but then it landed on his hair. Squeamish as he was, he panicked and thought of hiding inside of that big machine with a door on it, it seemed safe. He got into it, closed the door, and had some relief.


Tristan felt something on his neck, he panicked again and accidentaly hit a button, acitivating the teleporter. Bam!


He woke up in the hospital. His parents were there talking with each other, worried. He saw the light above him. It seemed hypnotic... he tried getting up, them he felt a strange pain in his back, like if he had been sleeping over his arm, but it was not his arm. His parents saw him trying to move and told him to calm down, they had something important to tell him.


It was a long explanation about his new body,about his wings; that many things had changed on him, that he somehow fused with that moth when he used the teleporter, and that there was no way to revert it. But they would give him all the support he needed, from medics to psychological assistance. They loved him and told him everything was going to be okay.


Tristan felt disgusted and very sad. He was a monster now.


Time passed, he grew up, and slowly accepted his new form. He learned to use his wings to leap high, he was too heavy to fly but the wings sure helped him, and his vision was very accurate when it came to seeing different colors. He also got a special lamp that he could hug when he felt bad, the light and warmth would make him feel comfortable.


His drawings became much more colorful and then he started painting. In his teenage, he attended painting courses and loved visiting art galleries.


When he finished high school, he got to paint in his full time, quickly improving his techniques. His parents were always very supportive, ever since his transformation.


Tristan got his own room for painting and doing his art. One day, he took his clothes off and started experimenting painting with his body. The paint felt specially good when he dropped it at his cock, it was slightly cold and gave him pleasant shivers. This made him feel inspired and started painting with his penis. It was marvelous.


He made several paintings using this technique and took them to the local art gallery. The curators loved the paintings and the concept, and invited him for a performance event that would be held there the next week; Tristan’s talent seemed very promising. People from everywhere would be there, renowed artists,curators, and rich patrons, the whole vanguard of arts.


Tristan was shy at first but he prepared himself and went there. The crowd was dispersed around the gallery when he started taking his clothes off, in front of the canvas. He grabbed a pot of painting and put his dick on it. People started grouping around him, lots of whispering and sometimes a giggle or two. His dick was considerably long and slim, even there where it was soft; the head looked like a wide "mushroom" though, holding a lot of painting whenever the cock got out of the pot.


The performance was a success! Tristan sold that painting for a good money and got several requests for paintings like these from many people.


One request was rather unusual though, he was invited to perform at a private party, in a large penthouse of a rich men.  He was told the richest art lovers would be there, and that he could enjoy the party afterwards, that they were very nice people and very... “liberal”.


Tristan took some time to think and accepted the invitation.


Once again, he painted for the crowd there; which was unusually male only. They were in rather revealing clothes, too. He saw a men or too grabbing their own stuff while he painted, but he didn’t mind. When he finished painting, he took a shower in a very luxurious bathroom, and then there was a butler waiting for him outside with a robe in his hands. He was told to wear the robe for now, and to follow him.


Tristan did it, and so they entered in a room with a few guys on a large hot tub, drinking and laughing. He was asked by a men there (the one who invited him to the party) to join them at the tub, to don’t be shy and take off his robe.


Tristan got into the hot tub, his wings instantly relaxed in the warm water. He then thought he saw the cock of one of the guys through the bubbles of the jacuzzi. He was right, in fact they were all naked. Upon seeing his expression, the men told him he was fine, and that they were there to have some fun with each other.


The guys were rather pretty. Tristan got excited very fast, the sexual tension in the air was rising. 


Then they all started kissing and touching each other. The hot tub became a mess of guys over guys, some sitting on the border and being sucked, others fucking almost underwater, and Tristan simply got carried on.


Tristan's cock was desired by everyone there, they were very teased with his performance earlier; at one time there were two guys kissing and licking the sides of his cock and one sucking his large mushroom head. He cummed at like four guys faces who were all next to each other trying to get the most of his load.


He had a fantastic night, and a large payment for his “job”.


Tristan knew he could fly even further in life, so he gathered all the money he had and moved away from his parents house.


He is still affraid of other bugs and sometimes he can get a little gloomy, but his vision and talent for arts are the guarantees that there will always be a light for him to follow. And sometimes he'll be the light himself too, drawing unsuspecting men towards his painting "tool".


Favorite Sex Positions: Group Sucking, Teasing Performance






  1. MODS: These Sims use a lot of custom content, although nothing is “default replacement”. So you’ll just get a ton of new options from skins to accessories for your sims. If you notice anything strange with the mods, please tell me.
    I used Sims4Studio to disable these CC for random, and enable for most kinds of Sims and genders, but you can easily change that if you want.

  2. CLOTHING: Sims are mostly SFW.
    The NSFW clothing goes in Sleep, with five suggested “types” of nudes, and an alternate Party “kinky” clothing. Tails are removed in naked clothing if they cover the butt, so that it doesn't clip during sex. Hope you people enjoy the styles!

  3. FACE/BODY: I know, my sims may look a lot like each other, or too “thin” for your taste, but you are free to change that in your game. [ctrl+shift+C cas.fulleditmode] and have fun!
  4. SLIDERS: I used a few sliders to make these Sims but I guess they don’t come in the mods folder. If anyone wants these, I can share too!
  5. “Author: CODEX”: Game is excruciatingly costly in my country ? I used to support the devs but, I’m sorry, EA Games is pushing too hard here.
  6. CREDITS: I have so much to thank for so many creators! Really, I used all kinds of mods from many sources (I got many GBs of mods), from Loverslab to The Sims Resource, Mod The Sims, and many tumblrs and blogs accross the internet. It's not possible to list everyone, some even stopped making content and I can't remember their names.
    This work is a hommage to all these talented creators out there! Thank you so much! 




I hope I covered everything, you can comment here or message me and I’ll try to help.


Now get them in your world and go have some fun!


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