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(WIP) The Well Armored Mage


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Hey folks,

I am actually at a sort of workable point in this project so I figured I would post about it.

The goal is to add light armor robes to the game using unique meshes. Right off that bat this is a MALE ONLY mod. I will never, ever make a female version of these robes. There are plenty others to choose from so please dont ask.


I started out with the Archmage robe (which I was never totally happy with the look of)

It is essentially done now, and can be seen in my posted images on the nexus



The coat is fully separated, so the fur mantle, the armbands, the gloves and the boots are all separate from the robe and pants.


Stealthic Kaos from the nexus forums is working on some improved textures for this right now, and as far as the mesh goes it is all sorted out and fully weight slider supported.


I just this morning finished the adept robes mesh, which for the time being I have assigned to novice, apprentice and adept robes in the esp. I want to do separate meshes for novice and apprentice but honestly I havent started them in earnest yet. The pictures of the adept coat are slightly out of date, I have since shortened the coat and added a hood based on the female mage hood, but this gives the general idea.



The novice/apprentice/adept robes will be just like in vanilla, just a robe and a hood. They will be craftable at any forge with the appropriately tiered smithing perk. Novice is paired with studded armor and is available from the getgo. Apprentice is paired with elven armor and requires that perk and adept is paired with scaled armor and requires the advanced armors perk. They will be craftable using much the same materials as their armor counterparts but will also require the cloth version of the desired robe as a base. They are all differentiated from the robes in that they are Reinforced adept robes etc


the archmage kit will be all craftable at the forge provided you finished the college questline and have become archmage, and will be under the daedric smithing category and require similar ingredients. There is no cloth version of the archmage gear so it will essentially be like crafting daedric armor, and the armor rating of the gear reflects that. I may knock the values down to dragonscale, but i like the notion of the archmage gear being pretty potent.

The robe however will be craftable at the atronach forge and will require having completed the conjuration ritual quest to get the sigil stone. It will require the same ingredients as a daedric cuirass and a filled grand soul gem. The reason for this is the coat will come with the archmage robe enchant (the hoodless one, so no 50 magicka, thats what the mantle is for :happy:) and I think it more appropriate to create pre-enchanted gear at the atronach forge.


in the end I may include "coatless" versions of the robes as a cloth alternative, but I like the aesthetic of the coat, so no promises.


anyways, hopefully somebody will be excited for some cool new male robes ^_^



~Star Boi

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