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What happened to Elza?


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Hello, feel free to delete this topic if it is not something to ask, as it is the first time I do something like this, but I really wanted to know what happened to Elza. She deleted her mod [  El Follower Severini  ] https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75941/?tab=description from the nexus, as well as locking her blog and closing her thumblr. What am I asking is not something like "I WANT her mods! Why is she locking me out?", what I want to ask is "what happened?". I know many that share their work decide to leave for a reason or another, but it very rarely happened to a modder I knew before they started something like this. I saw many posts here talking about a modder's sudden disappearance, and there were always, if not concrete answers, at least info on what occurred before. I was wondering if anyone knows anything, not private stuff, just a heads up on the situation. If I shouldn't be asking this type of question or if there is any other reason, feel free to close/delete this topic, I won't mind, just wanted surface info on the reasons.

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7 hours ago, CPU said:

<snipped for space>

Yes, I also had looked around and found that message on the Nexus, that's what prompted my search, as it sounds like something happened. Thank you for your time and info CPU! ^^


7 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

I thought something had happened to Eliza Dushku for a second there, still bad news, but at least it wasn't horrific or something. 

Agree a 100% .

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